Adam Poots’ Kickstarter campaign for Kingdom Death: Monster is up and live. True to what people have come to expect, the miniatures are unique and stunning. Already, the campaign raised its funding goal US$ 35.000,-. It took little more than an hour. If nothing else, Kingdom Death is the gold standard for graphic design. They charge dearly, but you owe it to yourself to take a look at this at the very least!
The Kingdom Death Kickstarter
First, I am a big fan of a nice narrative in wargaming. I like campaign books and “storytelling-scenarios”. It is why I enjoy games that have Roleplaying spin-offs or why I read Black Library novels as much, if not more than I actually play their game.
Stunning miniatures aside, the early teases by Kingdom Death for a cooperative miniatures game was the one big thing that drew my attention to this Kickstarter.
I even wrote Adam Poots an email with a few questions on it.
Kingdom Death does not disappoint. Their very pitch starts off with a nice setting and minimalist story, long before it even gets into miniatures and the Kingdom Death Monster game that will be funded through this campaign. Take a look at the video:
Kingdom Death: Monster the Cooperative Board Game
The “main perk” of this Kingdom Death: Monster Kickstarter campaign is of course the game. There are perks for Kingdom Death miniatures without the game, and they surely will be up the high standard Kingdom Death has repeatedly set for itself. But the game is the main show. As seen from the video, it has a minimalist survival theme, combined with a RPG-inspired dynamic of upgrading. You fight monsters, craft weapons and gear, and develop your settlement to make sure your survival from generation to generation. The games will set you back a US$ 100,- pledge (if you are in the United States). It includes:
- 26 unique highly detailed plastic miniatures ( no duplicates! )
- Full Color Story & Rule Book
- 2′ x 3′ Game board
- 6, 10 Sided Dice
- 1 6 Sided Hit Location Die
- 100 2″x2″ Gear Cards
- 75+ Monster AI Cards
- 75+ Monster Hit Location Cards
- 75+ Resource Cards
- 25 Innovation Cards
- 10 Location Tiles
- Survivor Record Sheets
- Settlement Record Sheets

Kingdom Death: Monster the Game
The Kickstarter Magic in Full-Swing
For all the many miniature and tabletop game Kickstarters I looked at and covered on this blog, I am going to say that this is also one of the best laid-out and designed Kickstarter-campaigns I have seen. As noted in the introduction, the game reached its funding goal just after little more than an hour. It must have added something like US$ 10.000,-.
At its current rate of funding (which is likely not sustainable throughout the 45 day campaign), Kickstraq is predicting this Kickstarter to close at nearly 1.5 Million dollars. Though I have to say again that most well-advertised Kickstarters receive a lot of funding in the beginning, meaning that the estimate (currently based on just one day) will almost certainly come down in the next few days.

1st Day of Kingdom Death: Monster on Kicktraq
Not All That Glitters Is Gold…
That said, there are a few downsides to consider.
- Long wait. Estimated shipping date is November 2013. So this will be a Christmas 2013 present, if it is on schedule.
- Kingdom Death is not cheap. Neither is their Kickstarter. Ironically, I think the Game (for some 26 miniatures) looks to be good value compared to some of the pledges for miniatures without a game. Still, this is evidently not a campaign like Reaper Bones for people looking to get loads of miniatures for cheap.
- International Shipping of US$ 45,-. This is a hard one to swallow. As I am blogging from the UK, the game would cost me nearly 50% more just for having it shipped across the pond. I also know some campaigns, such as DreamForge, have made it a point to try and ease the pain for international backers somewhat. This one doesn’t. Also, don’t forget that larger pledges will likely have to pay import taxes.
- No “stretch goals” for the basic game. Going by the first updates, the stretch goals that will unlock will only go to people who not only pledge for the basic game, but at least pledge the game-cum-resin-specials “survivor” perk of US$ 155,- (or US$ 200,- with intl. shipping). Again, one that will up the price if you really want to take away all the Kickstarter-benefits (as opposed to, perhaps, just buying the game from an internet-discounter next year).

Kingdom Death $ 105.000,- Stretch Goal. Only for Survivor pledges and up!
To summarize, while this is one of the most stunning, creative and appealing Miniature Kickstarter’s to come along, it is also one that will burn some very deep holes into your pockets. This should not be understood as a criticism. Quality has its price and Kingdom Death has made its name by not compromising on quality. That is the strength they invest into this Kickstarter. But it is something to consider.
I would love to hear your opinion on the Kingdom Death: Monster Kickstarter campaign! Leave a comment!