Mantic Attacks… & Grows Up

Mantic Games Mars Attacks Kickstarter

It’s here: Mars Attacks!

Mantic Games’ 5th Kickstarter (including Loka, which – though published by Mantic – was as much Alessio Cavatore’s pet project), and their first Kickstarter for a licensed Intellectual Property.

By every possible benchmark, this is Mantic’s most professional and slickest Kickstarter yet. It’s flawlessly build and took off like a rocket on its first day. Mantic Games have clearly come long ways since their first Kickstarter campaign last summer.

Mantic Games Kickstarters Thus Far

Mantic Games did 5 Kickstarters so far and – with the exception of the chess-variant Loka – each Kickstarter surpassed the one before.

June 2012 Kings of War $ 345.997
September 2012 DreadBall $ 728.985
March 2013 Loka $ 104.172
June 2013 Deadzone $ 1.216.482
October 2013 Mars Attacks ????

I had my doubts about Mars Attacks. Seeing how it took off on the first day (and sitting at nearly ~ 200.000,- US$ some 30 hours after the launch), it seems likely it will end up north of Deadzone.

Perhaps an even more striking example of the professionalization of Mantic as a “Kickstarter-company” are the videos of their first and most recent Kickstarter. Have a look!

Kings of War

Mars Attacks

From “Build Big Armies” to Kickstarter Board-Games

While Mars Attacks isn’t the first thing on my mind when I think on “things I’d love to have as a miniatures game“, Mantic’s skills in building pre-launch excitement didn’t leave me cold either.

Being on two of their Kickstarter and their mailing list makes me easy prey, I suppose, and once again, Mantic’s Kickstarter looks to be exceptionally good value.

The only curveball Mantic has thrown so far is the material of the miniatures they’ve introduced with the Mars Attacks Kickstarter.

I am very happy with Mantic Games new-and-improved Restic mixture that came with the most recent DreadBall shipment.

And yet, Mantic Games decides to go down new routes once again? Oh well…

James Hewitt: Guh, just had a thought – the restic issue’s irrelevant, because we’re using a new material for Mars Attacks! It’s the same stuff we’re using for LOKA – if you’ve played the Gears of War board game, it’s the same stuff they use. Bit more flexible than what we normally have (which makes better one-piece miniatures) but still very crisp detail and holds paint very well.

Mantic Games – The Grown-Up Kickstarter-Company

Either way, I am really interested in seeing where they go with Mars Attacks. Including “academically”, if that makes sense.

Mars Attacks in an impressively crafted Kickstarter-drive. Yet, to the same degree that Mantic Games perfected the art of running a Kickstarter-campaign, the focus on Kickstarter-launches seems to have changed the product-line Mantic Games offering.

Mantic Games originally started out hoping to offer larger Fantasy and Sci-Fi Wargames. Their tagline, after all, was (is?) “Build Big Armies“.

But – arguably because these work better on Kickstarter – Mantic seems to have moved towards producing smaller “hobby-heavy” board-games (DreadBall), “board-game-like” hybrid-games (Deadzone) and variants of their “miniature-game-template” on a license (Mars Attacks).

As Mantic Games got better at doing Kickstarter-campaigns over the past year-and-a-half, it drifted towards making games that work well in that particular format.

The Mars Attacks Miniature Game Kickstarter be funded on Sunday Nov 10, 11:59pm GMT.

Are You Backing Mars Attacks?

  • Are you backing Mantic’s Mars Attacks?
  • Have you backed earlier Mantic Games Kickstarters?
  • How do you think Mars Attack compares to Mantic’s previous offers?

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • belverker

    not backing yet but that is because i need to make sure i will have the money, this will be my first mantic kickstarter (and you know my feelings about how they use it) and i am only backing as i am a big fan of the ip, but the campaign has been very slick from the get go

    • belverker

      and yep pulled the pin and backed

      • Zweischneid

        Lol. Let me know how it goes ;)

        The game is obviously out for almost another year (the longest for Mantic I think):

        • belverker

          yeah i found that surprising considering the bulk of the rules are done (based off of deadzone) and looks like they have a bunch of renders for minis done (as shown by how quick they pop them up) but i am guessing they are just giving themselves breathing room considering deadzone isn’t out yet

          • Zweischneid

            Breathing room, possibly.

            I think it might well be that they are doing different type of miniatures too, in a “Zombicide-style” coloured plastic pre-assembled style.

            That’s got to be a different facility that makes those compared to their “usual ones” I would think.

          • belverker

            That is a good point. At least they haven’t used “restic” I hate that material…

  • dynath

    I long for their childhood. I personally don’t want “hobby-heavy board games”. I want big armies at reasonable prices or simply small armies and dirt cheap prices. All this emphasis on terrain and special game boards makes me uninterested. I pulled out of deadzone. Haven’t even looked seriously at mars attacks (I own several volumes of the comics too). When they grow up enough to start making big armies again I’ll come back to them.

    • belverker

      they really do seem to have moved away from their initial premise, do you think their intial rules for both kings of war and warpath were boring or maybe the fact that it was harder to lure people away from gw’s mimiatures then they thought? Or maybe they see the money in these hobby heavy boardgames (though a game that doesn’t require you to build the minis is hardly hobby heavy)

      • Pete K

        Not at all, Belverker. Here in the UK at least, KoW has a growing and vibrant community of players, and to be totally honest, Warpath just isn’t polished enough for a full finished release yet (though that will come- Deadzone builds up to it) so you will see the games Mantic has built it’s foundation on if you haven’t already. Deadzone and Dreadball are like the entry points for Warpath, if you like. And those games are already building a Warpath community that will have models that come from Deadzone but that can be used in Warpath as well. Do *you* find the rules for KoW and Warpath (so far) boring?

        • belverker

          Fair enough mate, it is a different scene here in Australia, at least my local area, there were people pushing hard for it but even they are back to using gw models to play warhammer and 40K, and I do personally feel the rules are boring, haven’t played Dreadball but I do hear it is good (although i’m not a fan of the model designs)

  • Zweischneid

    Not all that grown up yet ;)

    • James M Hewitt

      I think I’ve worked out the cause of the explosion…