Just yesterday I fell for a bit of Infinity rumour/viral-ad posted by Germany’s Magabotato.de for their Infinity special.
The “reveal” isn’t complete yet. As far as I read it, this Friday (tomorrow?) will see an announcement by Corvus Belli for the “Infinity Tournament System Season 4″.
Season 4 will include
- New miniatures, some of which will be exclusive to tournament winners
- A free Infinity Army List Maker supposed to go online in the coming days (where stats for new minis will appear, it seems)
- Last but not least, “Max Skorpio”, who was teased yesterday.
#1 – Max Skorpio – Authorized Bounty Hunter

Max Skorpio – Authorized Bounty Hunter

Authorized Bounty Hunter for Infinity
Though Max Skorpio is a “named” mercenary of sorts, he will only get a “generic” profile to be used for any and all “authorized bounty hunters”, including Max Skorpio.
Sadly, the teaser didn’t follow-up with a miniature ;( Only concept art.
Though the art certainly isn’t bad, the place to watch for the beautiful Infinity miniatures will still be Giraldez, it appears.
Arguably the more interesting bit of rumour is the part about miniatures exclusive for tournament winners. Can you imagine the riot (and ebay-madness) this would cause in 40K?
What do you think?
The Max Scorpio miniature now appeared on Giraldez’ blog!