I only blogged about it.. um.. three days ago?
Anyhow, the guys from www.miniwargaming.com are quick. Their new Indiegogo drive to fund better Studio Equipment and become a posh, high-quality, premium YouTube channel is now live!
#1 – MiniWarGaming’s Indiegogo Video
Have a look at their Indiegogo video (includes a blooper reel too!).
#2 – Indiegogo Loot
The main rewards MiniWarGaming is offering are painting DvDs (and website subscriptions).

MiniWarGaming’s Indiegogo Loot
I very much emphasise with MiniWarGaming’s plans to go beyond their online-store history (which was painfully cut short by Games Workshop’s changes to their Trade Agreements).
That said, re-advertising their DvD backlog isn’t the most exciting route they could’ve taken in my opinion, especially as MiniWarGaming (unlike many others) already managed to dip into making a miniature wargame of their own: Dark Potential.
The latter would’ve had, I believe, more potential (excuse the pun). Doubly so if they could’ve found a partner in the US (or even the UK) and used Kickstarter instead – as some of my (technicoloured) readers pointed out in my last post on the subject.
Maybe there will be a Dark Potential Indiegogo 2.0 in the future…
For now… good luck MiniWarGaming! Take a look at their Indiegogo and let me know what you think!