There’s a pretty cool video out by Matthew from with his take on the Beasts of War-issue (and the broader context).
I admit I may be late to the “news”. I still haven’t figured out how I’d be able to follow “news” on YouTube in an economical fashion. There doesn’t seem to be RSS feeds or similar for YouTube channels to view them in a reader. Or perhaps I am just too thick to find it.
Thankfully the Overwatch got me covered! Cheers guys.
Either way, I really liked this response. Covers all the basic points and – laudably – avoids the gut-response of descending into overtly simple GW-bashing (of which I may be guilty of as well).
Have a look!
#1 – MiniWarGaming Response to Beasts of War
#2 – Covering Games Workshop or Not?
I admit it is all too easy to just bash away at Games Workshop for being stupid, or evil, or both. And there certainly is something flawed about the way they handle things.
Still, I admire people with a clear head that at least try to look at it from both sides, even more so when they’ve themselves been “burned” by a business-relationship with GW gone bad.
In particular, Matthew briefly talks about the tricky question of “why still cover GW products at all?”, which Beasts of War evidently have been asked roughly a million times over the last few days.
Most, (the most vocal) fans seem to be in favour of a “Games Workshop coverage boycott”, while Beasts of War – quite on the contrary – even floated the idea of a fundraiser to actually raise the money for covering Warhammer and Warhammer 40K again in more depth!
Is that just masochism?
I don’t think it is.
However, it may well be the most bizarre conundrum all these sites (and ultimately my blog too) have to face. GW is making it hard to live with them – I’ve let 40K slip a bit recently (except for “rumours” & “releases”, ironically) – but neither can you really live without them:
- Not financially, if you depend on a wargaming website to make money like BoW or MWG.
- Not “intrinsically”, if you were foolish enough to start a website about your wargaming hobby and “Games Workshop” (or rather their games) is part of that.
#3 – Sorry for Rambling
All Right, I am rambling again.
BoW vs. GamesWorkshop’s been discussed a lot the last few days, so this’ll be my last post on the issue (unless some major changes come along).
However, if you’ve followed the debates so far (or just came to it today), let me know what you think about it (now, with a bit of time to think on it).
Your comments are appreciated!