Mongoose Prepares 2000AD Rogue Trooper Kickstarter

It appears that a draft-page for a Kickstarter campaign by Mongoose Publishing got out. After their successful Judge Dredd Kickstarter, they are following up with a Crowd-funding campaign for a miniatures battle game based on the 2000AD comic strip Rogue Trooper.

We are looking to Kickstarter a brand new science fiction miniatures game based on the 2000AD comic strip, Rogue Trooper.

Rogue Trooper features a titanic clash between the Southers and the Norts, on a once paradise world, Nu-Earth. Years of war and the unrestricted use of chemical and biological weapons has resulted in the landscape being turned into a blighted ruin – but still the armies fight amidst the ruins and poisoned air, each deploying more troops and secret weapons in a bid to win the strategically important planet.

#1 – The Rogue Trooper Kickstarter

There is a good bit of information available. In contrast to the skirmish-level Judge Dredd game, Rogue Trooper is intended to be a more fully developed wargame (though it is said to scale well from as little as the title character Rogue Trooper fighting an enemy unit).

Though there are stretch-goal ambitions for vehicles, the GBP 6.000,- goal of the Kickstarter is set to fund Rogue Trooper himself and a set for the two warring factions of Nu-Earth (though these things are, as this is a test, open to change before the Kickstarter goes live).

Mongoose Rogue Trooper Kickstarter Goal

Rogue Trooper Kickstarter Initial Goal

A draft of the Rogue Trooper Rulebook is available for download (pdf-link).

#2 – Images from the Kickstarter Test-Page

Based on a series of comic books, the artwork – reflecting the comic book –  is of course great!

Rogue Trooper Kickstarter by Mongoose Publishing

Rogue Trooper Comic Art


Rogue Trooper Kickstarter by Mongoose

Rogue Trooper Comic Fighter Jet

#3 – The Rogue Trooper Miniatures

There is (so far) less to see on the miniature-side of things. There is, however, this shot of the title-giving Rogue Trooper (in blue) along with a soldier from each faction.

Rogue Trooper Game Miniatures

Mongoose’s Rogue Trooper Game Miniatures

What do you think?

For me, I had to give Mongoose Judge Dredd Kickstarter a pass. However, this one might be more up my alley, if there is some good miniatures and vehicles to come along. Or, alternatively, I might just give the test-rules a read to see if they “click”.

As with Judge Dredd (or Knight Games Batman miniature game), I am still a bit skeptical about wargames build on franchises centered on one main characters (though I admit I never tried any of them).

Share your thoughts!


Rogue Trooper Kickstarter Test Page (may be disabled at any time!)
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at