It appears that a draft-page for a Kickstarter campaign by Mongoose Publishing got out. After their successful Judge Dredd Kickstarter, they are following up with a Crowd-funding campaign for a miniatures battle game based on the 2000AD comic strip Rogue Trooper.
We are looking to Kickstarter a brand new science fiction miniatures game based on the 2000AD comic strip, Rogue Trooper.
Rogue Trooper features a titanic clash between the Southers and the Norts, on a once paradise world, Nu-Earth. Years of war and the unrestricted use of chemical and biological weapons has resulted in the landscape being turned into a blighted ruin – but still the armies fight amidst the ruins and poisoned air, each deploying more troops and secret weapons in a bid to win the strategically important planet.
#1 – The Rogue Trooper Kickstarter
There is a good bit of information available. In contrast to the skirmish-level Judge Dredd game, Rogue Trooper is intended to be a more fully developed wargame (though it is said to scale well from as little as the title character Rogue Trooper fighting an enemy unit).
Though there are stretch-goal ambitions for vehicles, the GBP 6.000,- goal of the Kickstarter is set to fund Rogue Trooper himself and a set for the two warring factions of Nu-Earth (though these things are, as this is a test, open to change before the Kickstarter goes live).

Rogue Trooper Kickstarter Initial Goal
A draft of the Rogue Trooper Rulebook is available for download (pdf-link).
#2 – Images from the Kickstarter Test-Page
Based on a series of comic books, the artwork – reflecting the comic book – is of course great!

Rogue Trooper Comic Art

Rogue Trooper Comic Fighter Jet
#3 – The Rogue Trooper Miniatures
There is (so far) less to see on the miniature-side of things. There is, however, this shot of the title-giving Rogue Trooper (in blue) along with a soldier from each faction.

Mongoose’s Rogue Trooper Game Miniatures
What do you think?
For me, I had to give Mongoose Judge Dredd Kickstarter a pass. However, this one might be more up my alley, if there is some good miniatures and vehicles to come along. Or, alternatively, I might just give the test-rules a read to see if they “click”.
As with Judge Dredd (or Knight Games Batman miniature game), I am still a bit skeptical about wargames build on franchises centered on one main characters (though I admit I never tried any of them).
Share your thoughts!