I keep hearing how Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing is a massive, massive success.
The first miniatures that came with the game looked a bit grubby to me (judging solely from internet pictures). Fantasy Flight keeps releasing new miniatures all the time, and every new wave is looking better than the last one. Maybe I should give this game a try?
Anyhow, here are preview pics for “Wave 3″ via Flickr, including the Tie-Bomber, the Lambda Class Shuttle, the B-Wing and the Moldy Crow from the Dark Forces games and comic books.
#1 – B-Wing

B-Wing for Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing Game
#2 – Tie Bomber

Tie Bomber for the X-Wing Game
#3 – Lambda Class Shuttle

Lambda Class Shuttle for X-Wing
#4 – Modly Crow

Moldy Crow for X-Wing
#5 – Thoughts?
I am still reluctant to jump into pre-painted things. These don’t look nearly as good as really well-painted miniatures. However, they do look a lot better than my painted miniatures.
Given how little time I have to paint my toy soldiers these days, maybe I should give it a try?
Have you played Fantasy Flight’s X-Wing? If yes, what did you think of it? What do you think of these new flyers?
Leave a comment!

The HWK-290™ Expansion Pack, Lambda-class Shuttle™ Expansion Pack, B-Wing™ Expansion Pack, and TIE Bomber™ Expansion Pack are scheduled to arrive in the third quarter of 2013. Each of these expansions comes with a detailed miniature starship, accurately rendered at the same 1/270 scale as the game’s other ships (as always, we worked closely with Lucasfilm Ltd. to ensure the correct sizes of each ship), and includes multiple ship cards, upgrades, a maneuver dial, and all necessary tokens.