New Miniatures for X-Wing

I keep hearing how Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing is a massive, massive success.

The first miniatures that came with the game looked a bit grubby to me (judging solely from internet pictures). Fantasy Flight keeps releasing new miniatures all the time, and every new wave is looking better than the last one. Maybe I should give this game a try?

Anyhow, here are preview pics for “Wave 3″ via Flickr, including the Tie-Bomber, the Lambda Class Shuttle, the B-Wing and the Moldy Crow  from the Dark Forces games and comic books.

#1 – B-Wing

Star Wars B-Wing Miniature

B-Wing for Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing Game

#2 – Tie Bomber

Star Wars Tie Bomber Miniature

Tie Bomber for the X-Wing Game

#3 – Lambda Class Shuttle

Star Wars Lambda Class Shuttle for the X-Wing Game

Lambda Class Shuttle for X-Wing

#4 – Modly Crow

Star Wars Moldy Crow Miniature Fantasy Flight Games

Moldy Crow for X-Wing

#5 – Thoughts?

I am still reluctant to jump into pre-painted things. These don’t look nearly as good as really well-painted miniatures. However, they do look a lot better than my painted miniatures.

Given how little time I have to paint my toy soldiers these days, maybe I should give it a try?

Have you played Fantasy Flight’s X-Wing? If yes, what did you think of it? What do you think of these new flyers?

Leave a comment!


Update: Fantasy Flight Games’ official preview for these new X-Wing miniatures is now up.
New Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing MIniatures

The HWK-290™ Expansion Pack, Lambda-class Shuttle™ Expansion Pack, B-Wing™ Expansion Pack, and TIE Bomber™ Expansion Pack are scheduled to arrive in the third quarter of 2013. Each of these expansions comes with a detailed miniature starship, accurately rendered at the same 1/270 scale as the game’s other ships (as always, we worked closely with Lucasfilm Ltd. to ensure the correct sizes of each ship), and includes multiple ship cards, upgrades, a maneuver dial, and all necessary tokens.

About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at

  • The Order of Gamers

    I highly recommend it. It’s an excellent, fun, fast game and the miniatures look fantastic on the table. And who can resist starfighting with the Millenium Falcon anyway?

  • belverker

    it is a fun game, and they are some of the best pre-painted minis I have seen