New Tau Empire Miniatures!

These have been stirring up the rumour-mill for a while: Tau Empire is the next release by Games Workshop for Warhammer 40K. The pictures are admittedly still not ideal quality (nature of leaks like this). However, I am greatly impressed with

  1. Games Workshop’s souped up release schedule. The 3rd Warhammer 40K army in the 1st Quarter of 2013 alone!
  2. The look of the new kits, which seem to fall into the established Tau aesthetics very nicely, even as they exploit the new possibilities of GW’s mini-making (e.g. making huge kits).

Anyhow, here’re the pics (via Dakkadakka).

#1 – Tau Armyshot with Riptide Suit

Warhammer 40K Tau New Pictures

Tau Go To War…

#2 – Tau Riptide and Bomber/Razorshark Product Shots

Warhammer New Tau Pictures Riptide and Razorshark

Tau Riptide and Bomber/Razorshark

#3 – Boxed Sets for Old Favourites

Warhammer new boxed sets for Pathfinders, Broadside Box and Crisis Team

Tau Pathfinder Team, Broadside Box and Crisis Team

The last hopefully means that the hybrid-Broadside and metal/finecast pathfinders are moved to plastic? I for one would love to see that happen!

What do you think of the new Tau?

Let’s hear it!



Warhhammer40k Tau Army 2500+ points- Expert Painted

Warhhammer40k Tau Army 2500+ points- Expert Painted
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0d 0h 40m
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Seller: eBay

25MM Warhammer 40K KPW Painted Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit

25MM Warhammer 40K KPW Painted Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
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0d 3h 13m
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Seller: eBay
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at

  • Michael Dudek

    Should be nice, although I have no personal interest in the Tau, I will pick up a codex anyway. I imagine the speeded up release schedule is possible among other reasons because they are mostly additions/replacements to the existing line, rather a wholesale change to an army.

    It seems they must have done a lot of basic work on preparing new codexes even before the 6th edition released.That would also explain the increased pace. I wonder if the Tau codex will be the one to break the trend of no new special characters in the 6th? Probably not…

    • Zweischneid

      Only 3 Special Characters is tough.

      I see nothing remotely character/HQ-looking in the release there.

      Even without SCs, the rumoured Kroot HQ appears not to have been leaked (meaning it likely does not exist,,_

      • andy kay

        They have made a commander Farsight for the tau HQ

  • belverker

    they look like tau…which should at least stop people complaining about different style…there are no pics of any finecast minis which is unusual, so there may be a couple of special characters. Are there any not in the current one that were in the previous one?

    • Zweischneid

      Yes. Aun’shi was dropped in the transition from 3rd to 4th (

      Shadowsun and Aun’Va were added as new SC’s in 4th.

      • belverker

        well he will probably be added back, then they have 4 special characters…still will be strange if there are no new ones

  • Thomas Lund

    Being an Eldar player, I must say these new additions to the Tau Empire, have the feel of the former Tau figures and don´t seem to be “rethinking” how the army should look. Riptide, you llok nasty… Nice, but nasty! I know a Tau-player friend, who is smiling like the Joker right now. ;-)