New Warhammer Lizardmen Available for Pre-Order

New Lizardmen

Whispers, rumours and blurry pictures of the new Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy kept the interwebs busy the past week as early  White Dwarfs showed up near hobbyists around the world.

As of today, the new Lizardmen can be seen in all their scaly glory on the GW website and in the pages of the latest White Dwarf.

#1 – Lizardmen Release Video

The Lizardmen are one of the oldest races in the Warhammer world. They are the children of the Old Ones and the ultimate defence against the forces of Chaos. Savage, single-minded Saurus make up the ranks of their armies, their prodigious strength bolstered by ancient reptilian beasts that make the world tremble as they march into battle. Guided by some of the most powerful magic-wielders in existence, the Lizardmen have made it their mission to reclaim the world and finish what the Old Ones started all those millennia ago.

#2 – Thoughts?

A lot of recent releases by Games Workshop for Warhammer Fantasy met with mixed reactions at best (though I thought there were some pretty nice miniatures in the mix).

The opinion on the newest Lizardmen additions, from what I pick up on forums, Facebook, etc…, seems to be almost universally positive.

It seems Games Workshop hit a real sweet-spot with this set of miniatures.

What do you think of the new Lizardmen, now that you’ve seen them in crisp, non-blurry pictures?

Leave a comment!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • Dropship Ace

    This was the army of my childhood, loved the mini of old, but the faces always put me off, they fixed it this time round on the character and hero minis.

    But 80 dollars for a army book that’s several pages shorter than the old 40 dollar one?

    I’ll pass. Been priced out of this hobby.

    • The Animagus

      I love the Lizardmen, but like you was disappointed when I saw the book’s stats. When they started raising the price of books-at first they were putting in more content, but now they seem to have given up putting more in and just used the excuses “colour! hardback!”. Wish they’d have combined them with something like the old fluff books like we had for chaos & skaven.
      I remember when the full rule books were cheaper than these and had SO much fluff in them.