Poll: New Warriors of Chaos for Fantasy

Games Workshop is getting really good at keeping future releases under wraps. As with the Crusade of Fire supplement, which nobody saw coming, even the best-informed rumour-mongers had no clue that Warriors of Chaos were getting a make-over.

Not before the first lucky people got their hands on an early White Dwarf.

Within a week of the first “leak”, the new Warriors of Chaos up for advance orders.

So let’s look at what’s been released. I’ve also added a poll on this release at the end!

#1 – The Warriors of Chaos Army Book

First up is the new army book, featuring a hulking Khorne-Champion with flaming axes on the cover. 96 pages in the (now) familiar full-colour, hard-cover format that is now standard for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. It costs £30,-.

Funny enough, there is now “limited edition” version, which appear to be standard in Warhammer 40K these day. I suppose Warhammer Fantasy simply doesn’t engender the sort of collectors rush that 40K does.

The army book is, however, available for pre-order in Games Workshop’s Apple iBook store. Interestingly, the iPad version is said to have 168 pages, instead of 96. It is probably due to a different layout, but I’d love to hear from someone with an iArmy Book: What makes these have nearly twice the page count?

#2 – The Big Kits

For a few years now, Warhammer Fantasy made massive, multi-part plastic kits for huge monstrosities and/or warmachines the cornerstone of each new release.

This one is no different, though Chaos, in any shape and form, is of course naturally suited for colossal abominations of all kinds. The Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast dual-kit is definitely the headliner of this release as monsters go.

  •  Slaughterbrute / Mutalith Vortex Beast - £50.00
Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Slaughterbrute

Warriors of Chaos Slaughterbrute

There are other large kits in the release too.

  • Dragon Ogres multi-part plastic - £35.00
  • Chaos / Gorebeast Chariot - £25.00

Along with some of the pre-Christmas releases, such as the Chaos Warshrine, and some old classics, such as the Giant or the Chimera, Warriors of Chaos are certainly not spoiled for choice when fielding “big things”.

#3 – The Infantry

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Forsaken

Warriors of Chaos Forsaken

Where Games Workshop released lots of large kits for Warhammer Fantasy, they rarely add new models for the more rank-and-file. This release got one such addition: Forsaken.

I didn’t even know who or what these guys were, as I don’t follow Warhammer Fantasy as closely as I do other games (thanks @belverker for keeping me up-to-date).

I’ve seen lots of people call them the ultimate new conversion-bitz-box, though at £30.00 for 10 miniatures, it’s a luxury conversion-kit for sure.

#4 – The Characters

Warriors of Chaos Vilitch the Curseling

Vilitch the Curseling (and his finecast sword)

  •  A Chaos Lord  - £15.00 (plastic)
  • Throgg - £36.00 (finecast)
  • Vilitch the Curseling  - £15.00 (finecast)

Again, I don’t know a lot about Warhammer Fantasy. I really like the “merged-siblings” background to Vilitch the Curseling, which is suitably twisted and certainly fits well with the heavy emphasis on mutation in this release. As a (finecast) miniature, I would perpetually worry about his sword snapping at the star in actual gaming.

For Throgg.. the prize is the first thing that springs to my eye. Hard to ignore.

The “generic” Chaos Lord looks like a fun miniature, and a refreshing break from the “almost-Kharn” look that older Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Lords were going for. He’s also a plastic character, which is always nice!

I am clearly not a Warhammer Fantasy expert. You’ve read my layman’s take on them. Time now to tell me what you like best (or perhaps, in the comments, least) in this release.

Which is your favourite new Warriors of Chaos release?

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About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    picked the Dragon Ogres but that lord is right there with them. But i really like this release as i’m sure you are aware based on my other comments

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      True. And it made me appreciate these too.

      I do see the release getting a lot of flak too, however.

      • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

        yeah there is a lot of hate for this release…i can understand the big beasts and the forsaken, and the head of the plastic chaos lord. But not sure what people aren’t liking about Throgg and the Dragon Ogres. Plus there is a lot of people complaining about the new prices (fun fact they are the normal prices here in Australia)

  • tuberculosis

    Well, the fact that the plurality of you idiots voted for the slaughterbrute is discouraging. It is a laughably bad model. It seems like WHFB is intentionally making big, impractical, and ugly models just to justify a higher price tag.

    IT IS NOT A GOOD MODEL. IT IS A TERRIBLE MODEL. EXTRA EYES, TEETH, AND CLAWS DO NOT MAKE A MODEL BETTER. For that price you should expect a legitimate work of art, not a masturbatory ball of tongues. It doesn’t even make sense. There’s a goddamned icon just stuck in its back. If you voted for this model and are over the age of 16, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      I can see the point to a degree. For the tentacly version, I could well have envisioned a less “busy” version along what Vesper-One Games did:http://pinsofwar.net/pin/244599

      But “extra arms” and “extra eyes” has been out there (Avatar?), so it is not like GW invented it. And if they wanted to do it, Chaos would seem like the natural place. It’s hardly an aesthetic they could pin on .. dunno .. Wood Elves or Bretonnians.

      • tuberculosis

        Hey, I get it. I’m not claiming that extra eyes and tentacles make a model BAD either. The model is bad because it’s poorly executed.

    • Jenx

      The model is bad IN YOUR OPINION, anyone over the age of 16 who confuses opinion with fact should be ashamed of themselves.

      think the Slaughterbrute/Vortex is pretty cool, though I probably
      wouldn’t field one unless in a Khorne/Tzeentch army as it seems to fit
      them a bit more, and I prefer Slaanesh for the fluff.

    • Purple-Stater

      I absolutely love the Mutalith. It’s the most excited I’ve been about a Games Workshop model in over 25 years.

      That said, I wish the voting was for the two models individually, as I think the Slaughterbrute is the exact opposite. I think the old, giant, Nagash is more appealing.

      • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

        Fair point. Maybe I should’ve split the Mutalith/Slaughterbrute (and the Chariot kit) into two.

        You live, you learn ;)