New X-Wing Pilots Previewed by FFG

X-Wing Miniatures Game

Fantasy Flight offers a new glimpse of their upcoming large ships. Unlike the last preview of the Tantive IV, this one looks at the slightly smaller Rebel Transport.

Though I am still not fully convinced of those large ships in X-Wing, this one might be a bit more tempting.

  • First, because it is not quite as huge as the Tantive IV.
  • Second, because it comes with an additional X-Wing, along with new pilot cards, giving it some mileage even in regular games.

#1 – New X-Wing Pilots

Here are the previews of the new X-Wing pilots from this upcoming expansion

X-Wing Pilot Wes Janson
X-Wing Pilot Jek Porkins
X-Wing pilot Hobby Klivian
X-Wing Tarn Mison

#2 – Thoughts?

The big appeal, of course, is to add Porkins to your squad. A nice treat for X-Wing (or any Star Wars) fan.

Another interesting addition is a “named” pilot with a mere skill of 3. That, too, is a first, I think?

Is that enough to get over the sticker-shock of ~50 quid? Probably not (despite having a bought an Imperial Knight for ~ 80 GBP). Time will tell.




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at
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