At the risk of stirring up (again) the proverbial hornet’s nest, I felt the need to share these two recent pictures from Apple (or rather, from Chitika) on the use of the iPad vs. alternative devices.
Simply because it is a discussion that keeps coming up in talking about Games Workshop’s bias for Apple’s iOS in their digital releases, at the expense of alternative systems such as Android.
iPad vs. the Rest
And You Thought GW Dominated Miniature Wargames?
Though I knew that the iPad is popular, even I was surprised by these stark numbers (for US and Canada only). Hell, even among the remaining 18 odd percent, Android doesn’t come in first.
Is that a healthy mix in the market there?
Probably not.
But it is the world we live in, and I believe it goes some way to explain why companies such as GW are taking the plunge iOS first (with limited enthusiasm for the rest).
Did you think Apple’s edge over the competition was this obvious?
Let me know what you think and leave a comment!