Don’t you love it when “real life” tries to catch up with (science) fiction in one funny ways.
This one may well be such a case. The US put out a tender for somebody to build them a “TALOS” Battlesuit for their Special Forces: T.A.L.O.S. stands for Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit.
And they want it with an exo-skeleton and advanced body armour!
Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit
Of course, it’s not even build yet. It may never be build. But the features the U.S. Government is looking for in this armour in their tender sound fun. They include:
Technologies may include, but are not limited to:
Advanced Armor
- Materials to support next generation ballistic protection.
- Enhancement platforms such as powered/unpowered exoskeletons.
Situational Awareness (SA)
- Technology that promotes timely, relevant, and accurate assessment of friendly, enemy and other operations within the battle space in order to facilitate decision making.
Light/Noise Discipline
- Technology that aids in concealment from the observation of the enemy.
Command, Control, Communications & Computers (C4)
- Technology supporting conformable & wearable antennae and wearable computers.
Individual soldier combat ready displays
- Technology supporting information display, and potentially utilization of cognitive thoughts and the surrounding environment to display personalized information.
Power generation and management
- Technology includes soldier power generation systems, power scavenging, renewable energy, power distribution, power management, and power storage solutions that are light weight, and soldier portable/wearable.
Thermal management of suit occupant
- Technology to manage heat to reduce the soldiers’ metabolic rate and prolong endurance.
- Embedded monitoring, oxygen systems, wound stasis, electromechanical compensation.
Of course, with stealth-stuff and all, it’s not making Carab Culln proud yet.
Camouflage is the colour of fear… I have no need to hide from my foes… I have no fear of death. My colours I wear openly, they proclaim louder than any words, “I am proud to live – I am proud to die”.
But it’s getting there!