Pins of the Month – October 2013

Keeping up the tradition (I hope it will be, I’m horrible with serial formats) started last month, here’s a selection of miniatures added to this month, that deserve to be seen!

#1 – Infinity Goodness by Studio Giraldez

Not a month, not a week actually, without another absolutely stunning Infinity miniature on display from Ángel Giráldez. Take a look at these two: Thrasymedes and Uxia!

Infinity Miniature painted by Angel Giraldez
Infinity Uxia

#2 – Legendarion’s Chibi Heresy

Legendarion released a few of these really fun “ChibiPrimes”!

Chibi Leman Russ by Legendarion
Chibi Conrad Kurze

#3 – Kingdom Death Nightmare Ram

Kingdom Death is rightly feared known for making some of the weirdest and most disturbing miniatures out there. Their latest, the Nightmare Ram!

Kingdom Death Nightmare Ram

#4 – Re-painted Imperial X-Wing Miniatures

These miniatures – painted by Rodent Mastermind – first appeared on the Fantasy Flight Forums and have since been shown on most sites on the internet. And they deserve to be here too.

Re Painted X Wing Miniatures

These are just too good to miss!

#5 – Malifaux Tara Crew

Wonderful Malifaux Crew by Pins of War veteran Belverker! Thanks for sharing!

Malifaux Tara Crew by Belverker


All right. Let me know which of these five is your favourite!

And, if you can spare the time, share some of your miniature pictures on!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@ibuywargames Cool. Not gonna say no to a nice deal ;) Mostly (only?) Army Painter in the hobby section of your site, no? - 1 hour ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • belverker

    I really love that kingdom death one, sad I missed their kickstarter looks like there are a lot of great models coming out with it

  • Ruska

    Love the Infinity pics, especially the one with the glowing green sword.