Pins of the Month – September 2013

All right. This is a post-type I’ve tried to revive for a while, highlighting some of the cool miniature-pics on

It’s still not the most active site in the world, but I’ve grown very fond of it for bookmarking some of the cool miniatures out there. Let’s have a look at this month’s collection!

You can click on the pictures here to go to and you can click on the pictures on to go to the original sources! Give it a try!

#1 – Tinkerbell by Kabuki Models

Tinkerbell by Kabuki Miniatures

Kabuki Models from Italy is turning out one fantastic miniature after another. This Tinkerbell caught my attention, partly (I have to admit) because my daughter is very big on Tinkerbell, but partly also because it is a great sculpt that breaks with the Disney interpretation.

#2 – Infinity Iguana by Corvus Belli

Infinity Iguana by Corvus BelliI still haven’t played Infinity, even though I am now a proud owner of Ajax the Great.

The Infinity miniature from Corvus Belli just keep getting better and better though. Awesome stuff!

#3 – Deadzone Rebs by Mantic Games

Deadzone Reby by Mantic Games

There have been a lot of Deadzone pics floating through Facebook and forums (though, curiously enough, not Mantic Games’ own FB page). With the DreadBall Kickstarter completely shipped, I expect the Deadzone boxes will start arriving at doorsteps everywhere soon.

The Rebs turned out awesome, I though. Love the Kraw (?), and I love the Rebs Commander even more (which I believe is the model I “Jamplified” in resin. Hurray!

#4 – Angel of Dominance by James Wappel

Angel of Dominance

The Angel of Dominance by James Wappel.

Now that is Warhammer 40K at it’s most outrageously crazy! I don’t even know what it is, but if there is a “universe” where somebody would build something like it, it’d be Warhammer 40k!

#5 – Blaine for DreadBall

Blaine DreadBall

Another mini from Mantic Games (these guys (and girls?) are definitely on a roll!). Blaine, the official “last” miniature for DreadBall. Once I hold him in my hands, along with my DreadBall Ultimate stuff, that will be the end of this Kickstarter. And what a ride it’s been!


All right. Let me know which of these five is your favourite!

And, if you can spare the time, share some of your miniature pictures on!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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