Holy! What a weekend.
First the Warhammer Fantasy High Elves break, now their pointy-eared Sci-Fi cousins appear with a picture leaked via the ever reliable Faeit212! [link removed, as Faeit212 was taken down]
Take a look at the blister for the evidently imminent Plastic Eldar Farseer for Warhammer 40K!
#1 – The Leaked Blister Pic of an Eldar Farseer

Warhammer 40K Blister for a Plastic Eldar Farseer
#2 – Thoughts?
Plastic HQ have become pretty standard by now for Warhammer 40K. Funny how fast one get’s used to them, seeing how the release of the Chaos Space Marine’s Aspiring Champion wasn’t so long ago.
Still, sculpted base, multiple head-options and – from what can be seen in the blister – a solid fit with the established Eldar aesthetics will surely make this a very popular kit.
What do you think?
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GW 40k Dark Eldar Metal Mandrakes Squad #1 NM

Warhammer 40K Painted Eldar Rangers