Poll: Forge World’s Best Primarch Miniature (so far)?

Forge World Space Marines Horus Heresy Primarchs

Your favourite Primarch model? I wanted to ask this for a while, but … well, never had the time.

However, with Games Day fast approaching, it seems like the right question for this weekend!

Which Primarch miniature released by Forge World (since starting on them on last years Games Day) is your favourite? If you had to pick one of the three, which one would it be? And why?

  1. Angron – The Red Angel, Primarch of the World Eaters
  2. Fulgrim – The Illuminator, Primarch of the Emperor’s Children
  3. Ferrus Manus – The Gorgon, Primarch of the Iron Hands

Forge World’s Best Primarch Miniature Is?

Your Favourite Forge World Primarch Miniature?

View Results

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… And Why?

Many thanks for voting!

If you have another moment to spare, let me know which Primarch got your vote and why in the comments below!


My poll on Space Marine purchases will close in a few days! Thanks to everyone who voted.

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I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • ElCapitan

    They are all really great models each with a totally distinct style and its good that they are all in dynamic poses, and not in the static hero pose on a rock pointing at the enemy! they all look excellently mid action. The Gorgon is my fav. but I’m biased as I have iron hands but I guess its because I prefer that mechanical look which has carried over to his chapter/legion.

  • archied

    Voted ferrus manus as hes the least disappointing.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Ouch ;)

      • archied

        A bit harsh, maybe.
        i should probably quantify that a bit by mentioning i play emperors children and was very much looking forward to Fulgrim. He does look a little better now we have the context of the diorama piece hes loosely designed to fit. But i still dont like it, he just doesnt look like Fulgrim to me.

        And i suppose there in a nutshell is the case in point people had for years against GW or FW ever releasing the Primarchs and the emperor, a chunk of your fanbase just isnt going to get on board with it as you cant make one model fit everyones personal vision.

        • Warrior Warlock

          I voted Ferrus. The armour is the most interesting, his power comes across very well, but he also has the best paintjob by far.

          I agree with Archied that Fulgrim was dissappointing, but he is growing on me. Considering he is a person possesed in a fight for his life you cant expect him to look his naturally beautiful self.

          Based on the pictures though im not sure the two miniatures mesh that well. It doesnt look like they ar making eye contact or that they are actually within striking distance of eachother.

  • krfan

    i imagined ferrus looing uglier i had a picture of his face looking like that guy in fantastic four. still these models are of a very high quality

  • jormungander

    first loyalist and he pretty awesome

  • KJensen

    Put my vote up for Angron, as I think the miniature captures the brutality of the character very well, and seems more “in character” compared to the two other miniatures. The Fulgrim and Ferrus models just feel a bit like blinged up commander representatives of their chapters to me, while Angron quite definitely portrays Angron and the brutal warrior he is portrayed as in litterature.

    I guess the same was attempted with the Fulgrim model’s “grace” and the solidity of Ferrus’ pose, but I just don’t think they are as interesting to look at as the Angron model.