Your favourite Primarch model? I wanted to ask this for a while, but … well, never had the time.
However, with Games Day fast approaching, it seems like the right question for this weekend!
Which Primarch miniature released by Forge World (since starting on them on last years Games Day) is your favourite? If you had to pick one of the three, which one would it be? And why?
- Angron – The Red Angel, Primarch of the World Eaters
- Fulgrim – The Illuminator, Primarch of the Emperor’s Children
- Ferrus Manus – The Gorgon, Primarch of the Iron Hands
Forge World’s Best Primarch Miniature Is?

… And Why?
Many thanks for voting!
If you have another moment to spare, let me know which Primarch got your vote and why in the comments below!
Forgeworld epic 40k imperial guard Forge world admin building oop resin (4)

Forgeworld epic 40k imperial guard Forge world admin building oop resin (3)