As of today, the new 6th Edition Warhammer 40K Space Marines are available for pre-order. Without a doubt, it’s been one of the most thoroughly leaked releases from Games Workshop of the last few years. Even rules from the Space Marine Codex abound on the interwebs.
Of the new miniatures, the Space Marine Centurions easily sparked the most controversy. The make-over of (presumably) Games Workshop best-selling box of miniatures of all time, the humble Tactical Marines, is no less revolutionary.
With the official pictures and 360° views finally available, it’s about time to see which of the new Space Marine releases will fly and which will not (miniature-wise, that is).
What kit is the finest of the Emperor’s Finest? (sorry, couldn’t resist!)
#1 – Space Marines Codex Release Videos
#2 - Poll: Best of the new Space Marines
The Best of the New Space Marine Releases?
- Tactical Marines (10%, 103 Votes)
- Vanguard Veterans (9%, 96 Votes)
- Sternguard Veterans (37%, 383 Votes)
- Space Marine Centurions (22%, 225 Votes)
- Space Marine Librarian (5%, 49 Votes)
- Space Marine Chaplain (2%, 24 Votes)
- Space Marine Captain (1%, 7 Votes)
- Rhino Stalker / Hunter (13%, 133 Votes)
- Other (explain in comments) (1%, 17 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,036

#3 – Share your Thoughts!
I also want to thank the nearly 1500 people (!) who voted on my previous poll about the best 6th Edition 40K Codex (so far).
With the new Space Marines Codex entering the competition, it is time to close this particular poll in the next few days.
Let me know which of the new Space Marine miniatures is the best of the new release in your opinion and why?
Leave a comment!
Games Workshop’s homepage is struggling under today’s onslaught. If you’re in Europe, I recommend getting your new Space Marines Codex and miniatures from Wayland Games!