Proxy Army – 3D Printed Miniatures for Everyone

Proxy Army

Starting a gaming company is expensive. Molds for miniatures cost thousands of dollars, making it hard for indie gaming companies to make their own minis. But what if every gamer could have fully custom miniatures, creating exact models of their D&D characters or fully original tabletop armies?

We’re Proxy Army, and we want to make that happen.

This is a guest article by David from Proxy Army.

Who and What Are Proxy Army?

We’re a gaming miniatures company, and we use 3D printing to give gamers the opportunity to design and print their own models at any level of customization and detail. Gamers can log onto our database of parts and select torsos, limbs, heads, equipment, vehicle chassis, weapons, masks, armor, mutations and technology and clip them together like Lego. That lets them create a custom model that they can get 3D printed and shipped, for far less than box kits today.

You can see some fantastic examples of our models on our Kickstarter — but remember, those are just a few examples of 3D printing’s scope. Any model can be created. The only limit is gamers’ imaginations.

We’re here to help bring 3D printed products into the reach of both companies and individuals. Anything from wargame miniatures to chess pieces to dice with many sides can be printed with any motif, style, or elaborate detail you can think up. Our scope of products is nearly unlimited.

To suit different pieces, we print in three different materials:

  1. fine detail
  2. regular reinforced, and
  3. colored sandstone

#1 – Fine Detail Plastic Miniatures

Fine detail plastic prints at a detail level of 25 microns, making it superior to current generation finecast models. For reference, a human hair is 45 microns thick.

That lets gamers create amazing, dazzling models, with tiny details printed on perfectly instead of painstakingly painted on. Right now, we charge $7 (including shipping!) for packs of 28mm fine detail models, making them affordable for gamers everywhere.

Fine detail proxy wars miniature

#2 – Reinforced Plastic Miniatures

Regular reinforced plastic is nearly invulnerable, while possessing the same detail as die-mold models. Regular reinforced models look just like current generation cast models—up until you drop them and they bounce off the floor without a scratch, which we may or may not have personally ‘tested’ a few times.

Proxy War Regular Reinforced Plastic Miniature

#3 – Colored Sandstone Miniatures

Colored sandstone is exactly what it says on the tin—artificial sandstone, mixed with dye while it’s still in the liquid phase, allowing it to be printed in 256 colors.

For gamers who hate painting, this is the perfect material, giving you detail and a ton of customization with no painting or assembly, as it comes to you ready to go, right out of the box.

Colored Sandstone 3D Print Proxy Wars

It’s Only the Beginning!

Those materials offer a ton of options, but for gamers who wear the fanciest of pants and play with the finest models, we have another option. Original models are when we start entirely from scratch!

You send in a written concept, whether a sentence or a novel, and we partner you with a three-man design team: a character artist, an illustrator, and a 3D modeler. They work with you directly, giving you up to 36 total revisions on your idea, before finalizing it and producing a beautiful high-detail prototype. This is obviously a more expensive, but we do something to make it more affordable.

We give you a cut.

When gamers make original models, it adds to our database of parts, expanding our selection and options. That means that gamers who come up with good ideas are sharing their creativity with the world, and it only seems fair to share the profits back. That’s why, when you work with us to create original models, you get a cut of the sales every time your model is ordered, or someone uses parts from your model in their own creations.

And that’s the coolest part of what we do. We’re building a community, where gamers can contribute their ideas, express their creativity, and work with their fellow players to create truly amazing new content. Miniatures are no longer just for big corporations that always rush to the lowest common denominator to get sales.

Now, miniatures can be a rich, creative endeavor, full of all the best ideas of the gaming community, never stagnant, and always updating with contributions from everyone, no matter if you’re an artist with ten pages of concept art or some daydreamer with a great idea.

This Is How We Make Our Miniatures Too

We do this too. It’s how we make our own models.  We start with a concept, a few words to a few paragraphs long. It might be an inch high wall or a horribly mutated three-headed Megacorp CEO.

We discuss it, we refine it, and we finalize it, keeping lines of communication open between our co-workers and our customers. Our experienced art team then turns that into a sketch, bringing our initial idea to life. Color and shading adds depth to the pencil lines, turning it into something more substantive.

Proxy Wars Concept Art for Miniatures

Our modeling team takes over next, building the model up.  Each piece is rendered, adding new parts to our massive database.  And then, when the model is complete, we print.  We’ve soon got our idea in our hand, something that was a few words on a computer screen two weeks before.

It’s a great feeling, and one we’re eager to share with your fellow gamers.

About the Author:

David is currently running a Kickstarter for Proxy Army. Moreover, it’s well worth following Proxy Army on Facebook. The’re posting constant updates, including new models, new designs, contests, and behind the scenes content. Hope to see you there.

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