With all those fantastic pictures of the new Chaos Space Marines breaking, yesterday’s official news from Games Workshop were almost left behind. Games Workshop just released a new demo-video for their latest Warhammer 40K iPhone and iPad App; Psychic Powers. If you have not seen the video, take a look at the features of this new Warhammer 40K App here.
The Psychic Powers App for Warhammer 40K
This month Games Workshop launches its first ever app exclusively through the App Store for your iPhone and iPod touch.
Here is a list of the features
You can also photograph and name your Psykers, generate powers for each Psyker before the game, and even listen to the sounds of arcing bio-lightning and the screams of the dying as you manifest psychic powers. It’s an easy-to-use reference for every psychic power from the rulebook and with it you can:
- Search or browse the psychic powers by discipline
- Tap on special rules and keywords for a detailed explanation
- Catalogue your Psykers
- Choose from every unit entry with access to the new psychic disciplines
- Photograph, configure and name your Psykers
- Keep track of your Psykers during games:
- View an at-a-glance summary of each Psyker’s powers, Warp Charge and Mastery Level
- Record units under the effect of powers with the camera
I like that they give an option to add your own Psykers. It is certainly a nice little app, but not really £7.99 nice in my opinion. I am confident that the upcoming Warhammer Quest game for the iPad will likely be cheaper. For a whole game! Yes, I said it.
Another thing I would have loved to see would be a quick sideways-twist of the iPhone. How does the app look and function in landscape. If Games Workshop goes through the effort to produce a video like this, that would have been an obvious feature to show, no?
My initial twitter-reaction a few days ago still rings true, even if the app does look like a very nice little accessory to have along for your game.
New Warhammer 40K Psychic Powers App in iTunes. GW sure is going virtual and milking it for all its worth. itunes.apple.com/gb/app/warhamm… #40k #newapp
— Zweischneid (@pinsofwar) September 15, 2012
If you like this little app enough to buy it, head over to the iTunes App Store.
I would love to hear some feedback from you if you’re testing the app in the game. Me, I’ll have to keep saving my pennies so I can one day afford Forge World’s latest £70.00 Horus Heresy book. Ahh… this is clearly not a hobby for the frugal and meek anymore.