Radagast the Brown on his Rabbit-Sleigh

The Hobbit Radagast the Brown

It’s gotten really, really quite on the Hobbit Strategy Battle game. Despite this, Games Workshop now released a new miniature for the game, featuring one of the most .. um .. controversial additions to last year’s the Hobbit movie over the original story written by J.R.R. Tolkien: Radagast the Brown on a rabbit-pulled sleigh!  Have a look!

#1 – Radagast the Brown on Sleigh Release Video

#2 – Anybody out there Gaming with a Rabbit Sleigh?

I wasn’t enamoured by this particular addition to Tolkien’s story. As a miniature, however, Radagast and his rabbits actually make a fun and entertaining miniature.

However, it does raise the question whether anybody out there is actually (still?) playing the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game 6-months after it’s release?

Are you?

Do you know of a gaming-group into the Hobbit Miniatures Game?

I don’t think I ever even saw a single game of it played. Than again, it just might be a local phenomenon here in the Midlands. Or not?

Curiously enough, there is still (as I write this) one of the “highly priced” Limited Edition (!) of the Hobbit Starter Box available on US Amazon! That sure doesn’t look like the game is going well.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the state of the Hobbit Strategy Game in the spring of 2013!


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    From what I have heard it isn’t doing well outside of the UK, I know my local store can’t move any of it…I have no interest but I never had an interest in lord of the rings game either

  • Carl Woodrow (Dropship Studio)

    Do I still play the Hobbit Strategy Battle 6-months after it’s release? Well, yes. It isn’t a new game to me, it is just a re-branding + rule revision for the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle game. So in that sense, as an existing LotR player it’s still the same game I was playing several years back and the ruleset still holds up as well as it did when it was branded LotR.

    It is intriguing that many seem to view The Hobbit SBG as a *new* game, when really it just the broadly old game in new clothes. I guess the more pertinent question would be “Did the Hobbit brand bring in any more players that wern’t already pre-existing LotR gamers?”. I suspect the answer to that is ‘some’ but probably not as many as GW would have liked.

  • Abadon58

    I like a lot of the figures and have most of the LOTR and a number of the Hobbit ones but yet to ever play a game. Never found anyone who was interested.

  • Dwarflord71

    I bought the game because I wanted the terrain for my Mordheim table and the party of 14. I have no intention of playing the game and I am very disappointed in the stupid additions to the movie.

  • Azazelx

    I bought it for my wife via US-discounter, who is a LotR fan, and mildly interested in painting and playing with me. At some stage, we hope to open the box!

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Sounds. Good. Let me know what you think of it (or better yet, do an un-boxing blog-post!!)