Reclusiam Command Squad Formation… Now With Point Costs?

Reclusiam Command Squad

Reclusiam Command Squad Download

Hmm… anybody else got that feeling that Games Workshop (Digital) is just making the rules up as they go?

Early this month, Games Workshop’s newest invention of Dataslate formations have been a semi-hot topic (though, admittedly, the “Escalation debate” quickly took over, and now Tyranids seem to put that one to rest as well).

Still, things keep changing, and Games Workshop’s latest digital advent calendar offering, the Reclusiam Command Squad dataslate formation, is introducing point costs to the previously “free” formations.

#1 – Data-slate Formations

Like the digital formations before it, the Reclusiam Command Squad fits the basic pattern.

  • It requires player to take a specific set of models that, so far, match an existing box of miniatures from Games Workshop. Previous data-slates covered the Christmas boxes. Here, it is the Reclusiam Box released with the latest Space Marines Codex.
  • In return for taking this precise combination of models (which is a bit more specific for the Command Squad), the formation enjoys two additional special rules.

So far, so predictable.

Where the Reclusiam Command Squad differs from, say, the Tau Firebase Support Cadre or the Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing is that is isn’t “free”. Beyond having to take the specific models in just that combination, there’s also a small point-cost associated with this formation. One has to “pay” for the extra rules.

#2 – Making it up as they Go?

I have no objections to Games Workshop introducing new things into the game, whether it’s data-slate formations, Escalation or other things. I might not like every change itself, but I’d rather have a dynamic, changing game than a static one.

That said, the Digital Editions data-slates increasingly strike as something of a beta-test “in-the-making”, and not a product released with a specific intent (beyond selling those boxes).

The Tau Firebase Support Cadre, the first formation we saw, was incredibly potent. The later Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing, in contrast, had (in it’s first iteration) apparently given now thought to how they new formation-rules interact with transports (or Space Marine Chapter Tactics). Now, half-way through the advent-calendar, the formations start getting point costs.

It’s probably not a bad idea to give formations a cost, rather than hand out special rules free. But with some formations being “free”, others costing points, and some, like the Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing, being edited “on-the-go”, I cannot help but think that nobody really though these things through before the digital advent calendar launched?

#3 – Thoughts?

I am sorry to have kept you here for a rant like this.

Quite possibly, there are some solid ideas and systems behind the data-slates (and other recent rules-releases) that I am simply unable to see. However, the (seemingly) hodge-podge way of it all is leaving me increasingly confused.

Anyone else feeling this way about 40K this Christmas?




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@MunkeyKungFu Yeah. I saw it come through Facebook (?) a few days ago. A reminder certainly helps though ;) - 9 hours ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • D. B.

    To me, it feels as if they’re testing a basic concept – i. e. mini-micro-transactions. Both the Reclusium (sorry, I just have to say “Reclusium”, as it is proper Latin) CS and the Astartes Storm Wing came with a nice saving, models/cost-wise – which may be inducement enough for some people, like “Hey, I made a great saving on these models, and now I can even field them as a unit! COOL!” This is nowhere near as nonsensical as it might seem to some – and the Advent Calendar is, I have to say, a good use of marketing strategy to test this concept.

    Honestly? No idea if that’s gonna catch on. I’ll certainly keep my eye on it.

    • belverker

      that is a good point mate, and in all honesty i think they will release all the dataslates as a bundle at the end of the advent as well, though there are rumours that nids will have sone new ones on launch.
      Interesting times for those of us who don’t play in tounaments and are happy play with these

  • Nate Boston

    You mean people want to play armies besides Tau, Eldar, demons and helldrakes codex? What a silly idea. Games Workshop has clearly sold enough space marines for their liking which is why they had the same lazy person who probably came up with the new units for the codex come out with the rules for this and the Storm Wing. No transport flexibility, no chapter tactics? Thanks for nothing GW.

  • Azrell

    Since when did we expect GW to put thought into how they make rules for the game. I remember reading a WD article right before they released chaos, where they asked Phil Kelly about designing the codex. He went for 2 pages about the “feel” of the models and never once mentioned anything to do with the rules or designing the rules… even though that’s what his job is and that what they asked him about.