The first Codex Supplement for Space Marines is still a few days out. I believe the (digital) pre-orders are scheduled to open this weekend. Nevertheless, 40K Radio say they have once again been gifted with an early copy and are releasing rumours on the rules.
Rumoured Rules via 40K Radio
From the 40K Radio Facebook page.
… 3rd company special rule is “Close Ranged Bolter Drill”.
Close Range Bolter Drill: Models with this rule re-roll all failed to hit rolls made with bolt pistols, bolt guns, storm bolters, heavy bolters or combi-weapons that are firing as bolt guns when firing at a target up to half the weapon’s maximum range away. This rule does not apply to models firing Hellfire, Kraken, Vengeance or Dragonfire rounds.
Sentinel of Terra Special rule #2
Centurion Warsuits:
Centurion Devastator squads can be taken as elites choices as well as heavy support choices in a Sentinels of Terra detachment.
Centurion Assault squads can be taken as fast attack choices as well as elites choices in a Sentinels of Terra detachment.
I would assume this replaced the regular Imperial Fist Chapter Tactics?
It’s not quite clear from the statements made, but the “Close Range Bolter Drill” in particular makes the normal IF Bolter Drill redundant.
On the other hand, more Space Marines Centurions would go (too?) nicely with Centurion Devastators that have the Tank Hunter rules!
Let me know what you think!