Rumoured Rules for the Sentinels of Terra

Sentinels of Terra Rules Rumours

The first Codex Supplement for Space Marines is still a few days out. I believe the (digital) pre-orders are scheduled to open this weekend. Nevertheless, 40K Radio say they have once again been gifted with an early copy and are releasing rumours on the rules.

Update: The Sentinels of Terra Codex Supplement is now available for pre-orders.

Rumoured Rules via 40K Radio

From the 40K Radio Facebook page.

… 3rd company special rule is “Close Ranged Bolter Drill”.

Close Range Bolter Drill: Models with this rule re-roll all failed to hit rolls made with bolt pistols, bolt guns, storm bolters, heavy bolters or combi-weapons that are firing as bolt guns when firing at a target up to half the weapon’s maximum range away. This rule does not apply to models firing Hellfire, Kraken, Vengeance or Dragonfire rounds.

Sentinel of Terra Special rule #2

Centurion Warsuits:

Centurion Devastator squads can be taken as elites choices as well as heavy support choices in a Sentinels of Terra detachment.

Centurion Assault squads can be taken as fast attack choices as well as elites choices in a Sentinels of Terra detachment.


I would assume this replaced the regular Imperial Fist Chapter Tactics?

It’s not quite clear from the statements made, but the “Close Range Bolter Drill” in particular makes the normal IF Bolter Drill redundant.

On the other hand, more Space Marines Centurions would go (too?) nicely with Centurion Devastators that have the Tank Hunter rules!

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@breacher18 Or I hope it is ;) - 7 hours ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • James_33

    Since the close range bolter drill only works at half range, I would assume that the standard bolter drill applies when firing beyond half range.

    I had wondered if this supplement would have company limitations; e.g., only units from the 3rd Company are allowed to be part of the detachment. However, if it specifically states that close range bolter drill doesn’t work with special ammunition, that implies that 1st Company Sternguard could be included. Perhaps the supplement specifically lists which units have “Chapter Tactics: Imperial Fists (3rd Company)”.

    • Zweischneid

      Yeah. Though so.

      Though in turn, it leaves the odd situation of IF 3rd company not using IF Chapter Tactics ;)

      • John

        easy solution

        play (blank company) Imperial Fists with 3rd Company allies for a section of Elite Dev Cents….

        • Zweischneid


          Though I can’t help but think that regular IF Chapter Tactics would suit Centurions more.

          Losing Tank Hunter is a bit of a bummer, and even if you go the (Twin-Linked) Heavy Bolter route, regular Bolter Drill at full range isn’t really worse than this 3rd Company Bolter Drill for Slow-and-Purposeful, no-Droppod guys with TL-HB.

          • James_33

            I wasn’t under the impression that the IF 3rd completely lose the IF Chapter Tactics, simply that Close Range Bolter Drill supersedes standard Bolter Drill. I can’t imagine that a Company that specializes in fielding Centurion Warsuits would lose Tank Hunter.

          • Zweischneid

            Lol. Ok. Though losing Tank Hunter could well be the “price” to pay for the FoC-swaps in the first place. Not from a “fluff” perspective, but from one of game balance.

            Oh well, guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

          • Yggdrasil

            Army-wide “Tank Hunter USR” doesn’t scream “game balance” to me… But hey, my Star Phantoms 9th Coy will be using the IF chapter tactics, so who am I to complain ;)

          • James_33

            The rule isn’t army wide. Only Devastator Squads and Devastator Centurions have it.

          • Yggdrasil

            Yeah sorry… My mistake ! Though since I want to build an army centered around the 9th Coy, there should be plenty of them :)
            Thanks for correcting me !

          • James_33

            Another 40K Radio update: 40K Radio confirmed that the Sentinels of Terra retain Tank Hunter, they merely replace Bolter Drill with Close Range Bolter Drill.

            I’m getting the feeling that the IF 3rd Company is going to start showing up as an Allied Force in quite a few armies.

  • Lysere

    Actually close range Bolter drill is a bit of a buff. Even though it is only at half range it re-rolls ALL failed to-hit rolls, normally you only get to re-roll failed rolls of one. So if your being aggressive and don’t already use twin-linked weapons (Dev Centurions) then your much more accurate than before.