Some rumours concerning the rules of the Space Marines Centurions appeared over on the Facebook page of 40KRadio.
It appears they will be able to board a Land Raider, so I believe this also settles the question of what size the Centurions are? (e.g. “just” Terminator-sized I would think, unless GW is pulling out some entirely new 50mm round base to mess up any and all attempts at counts-as!).
#1 – Rules for the Centurions
Centurions can be taken as Elites or Heavy.Heavy support are the devastator option. They come with twin-linked Heavy bolters and Hurricane bolters. Hurricane can be upgraded to missile and HB upgraded to Twin- Las cannon or Grav-cannon and grav-amp.
Can upgrade to omniscope which gives night fight and split fire special rules.
They can select a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols(Can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, and TSKNF.
Elites are the assault option. They come with Siege Drills at S9, twin-linked flamers and Ironclad assault launchers. They can upgrade flamers to meltas and assault launcher can be upgraded to hurricne [sic!] bolters.
Can upgrade to omniscope which gives night fight and split fire special rules.
They can select a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Move through cover, Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols(Can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, and TSKNF.
#2 – Black Templars & Centurions
Moreover, there are more details on the Codex itself from GW-Fanworld. Two things stand out.
- Black Templars are indeed rolled-up in the Space Marines Codex
- Black Templars will be able to take Centurions
1. Centurion “devastator” come with Twin-Linked Heavy bolter and hurricane bolter for 60 pts. You can have up to 6 in a squad.
2. Legion of the Damned have flaming projectiles. All ranged attacks have ignore cover special rule.
3. Black Templars are in the book. They can not take some selections but have access to Centurions, Thunderfires, and so on. They have special rules for Chapter Tactics.
4.Chapter Tactics for the following chapters: Ultramarines, White Scars, Imperial Fist, Salamanders, Iron Hands, and Raven Guard. They have two special rules per choice.
#3 – Thoughts?
Well, we’re still missing some of the basic stats (assuming the rumours above are all spot on). Hard to pass a judgement just yet.
It does sound interesting, but not truly game-changing (so far). I believe Space Marine armies without Centurions will remain perfectly viable. However, like many “unpopular” Games Workshop releases, the Centurions are growing on me, especially the Devastator-variants.
What do you think?