Gates of Antares Boromite Previews

How time flies!

Exactly a year ago, the miniature wargaming world was in turmoil, as ex-GW’s legendary game designer had taken to Kickstarter with his vision of a sci-fi miniatures wargame – Beyond the Gates of Antares. It was an ambitious project in almost every way conceivable.

  • An incredibly high goal of half a million GBP to reach
  • A vision of a fully interactive ’Real-time Dynamic Gaming Universe’
  • A, in some ways, “mission” to do a Kickstarter “like-they-are-supposed-to-be-done”, which divided the community

The Kickstarter-campaign failed, and Rick Priestely (and Warlord Games) have instead enjoyed a lot of success with Bolt Action.

However, on a slow burn, come of the concept art developed for Beyond the Gates of Antares has made it into miniature-form after all. Warlord Games previewed their Boromites!

#1 – Warlord Games BtGoA Boromite Preview

From the Warlord Games website…

Beyond the Gates of Antares Boromite Labour Guild

BOROMITE LABOUR GUILDSIn the distant past, the ancestors of the Boromites were bio-engineered for hard and dangerous work in extreme environments. As a result they are able to endure extremes of pressure and temperature that would soon kill any other human. Boromites are amongst the most visibly different of all panhuman mutants, with their broad, robust bodies and thick, gnarly hides studded with horny nodules. Their name derives from the mining colonies of Borom, a system that consists of a densely packed asteroid annulus but no planets. Today the Boromites have spread throughout Antarean space and can be found upon worlds within the Panhuman Concord, the Isorian Shard, and beyond. They have no worlds of their own. Instead, they form an itinerant work force with its own distinctive cultural identity and secretive customs. They easily avoid becoming absorbed into the societies they live amongst because their primitive minds do not interact freely with the Intergrated Machine Intelligences of more sophisticated cultures. As a consequence they remain almost entirely hidden, even amongst highly regulated autocratic societies, a reclusive and insular sub-culture with its own values and social mores.

Although they are spread throughout Antarean space, Boromites maintain strong contacts with each other via the trading networks of the Freeborn. Boromite labour gangs are but one of the services regularly traded by the Vardos of the Freeborn. Individual work gangs are small social units – clans that comprise a number of closely related families – multiple gangs are formed into competing Guilds. These Guilds and labour gangs also form the basis for military action. All Boromite workers are also warriors, and their labour organisations also provide the basis of their military organisation. Although competing Guilds are rivals – sometimes bitterly so – different Guilds will often band together to fight a common enemy. Several Guilds have to work in concert to undertake a major operation, such as to secure a mineral rich planet or asteroid. Because they are spread throughout space, Boromite gangs can also be found in the fighting forces of other societies, where their hardiness and determination make them highly valued fighters. Boromite gangers carry the common weapons of Antarean space, but in addition they uniquely make use of weapons developed from mining tools, including mass compactors, tractor mauls and frag borers. Reflex shielding is also common – the metallic nodes that support the enclosing armour field are often fixed directly into the wearer’s thick hide.

Beyond the Gate of Antares Boromite Labour Guild

#2 – Original Concept Art

As a reminder, here is the original Boromite concept-sketch from the Kickstarter last year.

Boromite Concept Sketch

The miniatures certainly turned out the way the concept art suggests they would.

The Boromite never were an idea I found particularly compelling in BtGoA, other concepts, notably the Isorians or the Concord, had more appeal to me.

However, it’s nice to see that the project is still somewhat alive. Hurray!

#3 – Thoughts?

The Gates of Antares-project is still in an odd state, I find. It’s not as “dead” as some people might have thought. On the other hand, with 2-3 miniatures a year, it’s clearly not as “alive” as … say … Bolt Action.

Do you see a future for this wargame? Is the somewhat (IMO) old-school take on these miniatures something that you would want to collect?

I’d be interest to hear what you have to say about these previews (miniatures and fluff)!

Leave a comment.




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


RT @M_A_Hobbs: @pinsofwar probably the only 40k that I would buy, so I would be interested in this - 1 day ago
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  • Thurlac

    Well, it is a start. However, what next? At two to three minis a year, the figures are destined to be “guys sitting at the corner table of the spaceport bar”.