Sentinels of Terra – The First Space Marines Supplement

Sentinels of Terra Space Marines Codex Supplement

Games Day is coming to a close. Once again, it was a fine event, though the reduced numbers and the lack of gaming made it a very different beast from last year’s Games Day.

I’ll write a more in-depth post tomorrow or so, but here’s a quick update with two “newsy” items.

#1 – Sentinels of Terra

The first new product revealed was “Sentinels of Terra”, which was announced both in the GD Programme and on the show booth of the Digital Editions display.

I had a brief chat with a lady from the Digital Editions team. She’s obviously not a Codex writer, but part of the team doing app-design and project management.

Still, she seemed knowledgeable enough, stressing the Sentinels of Terra would not be an “Imperial Fist supplement” (as they’ve been covered in the new Space Marines Codex).

Instead, the focus is on the 3rd Company of the Imperial Fist (who now go with the honourific “Sentinels of Terra”, it appears) and to focus specifically on the history and battles of the 3rd Company with the tried Supplement-format of Missions, a few items, Warlord Traits, etc..

There also was a “preview” version of the Supplement available on one of the iPads GW had out to display eBooks. Similar to previews directly from GW’s iBookstore, it had no crunchy bits. It did have a sample mission, a few pics and a few pages of background.

Curiously, the preview seemed to feature Captain Lysander very heavily. There was a 1-page spread of the Lysander miniature and a background-chapter titled “The Rise of Lysander”. That seems to contradict the “3rd Company emphasis”, but I guess we’ll find out soon enough.

The Sentinels of Terra Space Marines Supplement will be released (as eBook) in October 2013.

I also saw printed versions of the Black Legions Chaos Space Marines Codex (both limited and unlimited), so they all seem to make it into print eventually.

#2 – Forge World Primarch Preview

Forge World Primarch Preview

The other “big news” from the event is, I suppose, a preview of the next Primarch Miniature.

I was half-afraid Forge World wouldn’t have anything new after the deluge of Pre-Releases shown the last few days, but they did. There was a Boarding Torpedo, on display in a Zone Mortalis table featuring Iron Warriors and Imperial Fist, a massive Carnosaurus thing for Lizardmen by Trish Carden (who made the Troll Hag), a Heresy Night Lords Squad and a few other bits and bobs.

I also flipped through the Horus Heresy Book 2 – Massacre, which includes army lists (including Primarchs) for Iron Hands, Night Lords, Salamanders and Word Bearers, as well as “army-list-extentions” for the armies from the first Horus Heresy book (e..g World Eaters).

It appears Forge World may be speeding up their Primarch-release schedule a bit. Hurray!

Edit: The pictures of Lorgar floating about are – it seems – a conversion entered into the Golden Demon?

#2 – Thoughts

Happy and a bit exhausted, I am gonna leave it at that for today.

  • Have you been to Games Day UK (or another Games Day)? If yes, what did you think of the event?
  • If not, what do you think of the idea of a Codex Supplement turning to a specific Space Marine company?
  • What do you think of the new releases you’ve seen (there or on the net)?

Leave a comment!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • Jipin

    Seeing as there’s painted and unpainted pics of “Lorgar” struggle to see how that would be true.

    Unsure how I feel about a specific company being represented in a supplement given the huge amount of chapters – not to mention chaos legions!

    • Zweischneid

      Good point on Lorgar. Might be the real thing. I must’ve missed him myself and he wasn’t in the “Primarch shelf” next to Simon Egan.

      Not sure what’s going on there.

      • hive senteniel

        is it Lorgar first? then Horus next? that’s what I’m thinking anyway :)

        • aracersss

          how would having a primarch unpainted and painted mean is fake … it has the same base the same molded panorama for a primarch to stand on … plus the colors much the ashen word bearers unique unit … it maches perfectly … plus new info regarding the new product has arrived … and new rumors suggest lorgar will come near DEC/JAN

          • Zweischneid

            Yeah. I guess it is genuine.

    • James_33

      The Imperial Fists 3rd Company are kind of like the Ultramarines 2nd Company. Imperial Fists with the red trim of the 3rd Company seem to get an unusual amount of attention, just like Ultramarines with the golden trim of the 2nd Company do. We know more about the Ultramarines 2nd than any other Company; maybe GW intends to flesh out the Imperial Fists 3rd in a similar way.

      I wonder what an Ultramarines supplement would focus on. Would they focus on the 1st Company and the Tyrannic War Veterans?

  • Zweischneid


  • Per A.

    Assuming that the monochrome pic above is of ‘Primarch number five’, it has to be Horus. There are two ‘Eye of Horus’ symbols on the armor.

  • Jeff

    Have to say I’m impressed by their production schedule.

  • JO

    so after Lorgar we will get Horus… finally my army will get a proper HQ.

  • Fluffy the destroyer

    while I enjoyed the event, I had one major gripe. the complete lack of gaming tables -_- ended up dragging my templars army around the place for nothing. other than that it was great, and I really loved the drop site massacre diorama

    • Zweischneid

      Yes. Lots of “Sales Day 2013″ jokes. I think that is well the overall theme for this one, even if it may obscure a bit of what worked at the event.

  • Zweischneid

    A pic taken from the supplement

    Lysander sounds like … well … not somebody I’d want as my military commander!

    • A.P.

      That’s funny, I like how it says “A force that represents an Iron Warriors” chosen from chaos space marines. Like what; if i have a vindicator and a Warpsmith present that’s good enough to say “Iron Warriors”….

  • Zweischneid

    Well, that “Forgeworld-discounts” website seems down to me either way, so I took the link out.

    • Warrior Warlock

      Yes of course. I wouldn’t dare give my financial details to that site, despite the offerings. Way too shady, can’t remember how but the vulkan model had caught my eye and thought it interesting to share.

      • Zweischneid

        I just get “service not available” on the site.

        If you have a pic of that Vulkan, you can upload it to Disqus with the little picture icon on the lower left of each comment form.

        I’d love to see it.

        • Warrior Warlock

          That is strange, the site does work for me. Sorry i dont have a disquss account. Perhaps a direct link to the picture does work?

          • Zweischneid

            The pic works, all right.

            Try the basic home-address.

  • Yggdrasil

    I just hope they’ll make supplements for the “reserve” companies of any chapter… Like the 8th or 9th ! I’d love to field some Devastators as Troops, as well as a Captain with a heavy weapon :D

    • Zweischneid

      It’s a fun idea.

      I am still not 100% convinced that this is the “logic” by which they go about doing supplements. The “spiritual successor” to these books still appears to be very much the Crusade of Fire campaign book.

      I believe the set of 5 or 6 linked “narrative” scenarios in each of these expansions are more central to the books than most people given them credit for, even if “Codex Supplement” is admittedly a misnomer than.

      They still seem to focus very much on a certain “historical” even (e.g. the Tyranid Invasion of Iyanden, etc..) and a particular (sub-)force of a recently released army involved in said historical event.

      • Yggdrasil

        Indeed, I think you are right about the intent being more about a “fluff” and “historical” perspective, than the alternate lists.

        However, there are instances where SM Reserve companies deployed as a whole, and that could be a great excuse for fleshing out some less known Chapters !

        One example that comes to mind is the Star Phantoms’ 9th Company spearheading the Siege of the Palace of Thorns, during the Badad War… That would be awesome !!!

        And I’m pretty sure that there are many other (already described or not) reasons why a chapter would send its whole Assault Company against a much-hated foe :)

        • Modi

          Perhaps taking advantage of the over 2000pts rule that allows you to take another primary detachment could be the way to go (if not known to people). And play the big guns never tire mission. This could be the same for the scourging as so forth, without changing the rules which gets messy especially if it OPs’ your force. Thats the best way to have a whole devy army which even I thought about. But that depends of the limit people are playing as well.

          • Yggdrasil

            Not familiar with the Missions you mention (I’m French, so don’t know the English equivalent for them), are those from the rulebook ?

            And the double FOC doesn’t solve my issue : you still have to take Tac or Scout squads as Troops, which obviously don’t really belong in an “all-Assault” or “all-Devs” SM company…

          • Modi

            Righty oh then, the ‘Big guns never tire’ is when Heavy Support count as scoring units. The scourging is when Fast Attack count also as scoring. But if you and your opponent are happy with the option to make Elites scoring instead then in either one than that could be an option with little changes to the rules.

            When it comes to the double FOC Perhaps taking small Troop squads with a heavy weapon? But at the same time I stated taking a double FOC as a ‘near to the idea’ possibility. Not accurate yes, but close enough without changing too much with rules, which would be messy.

            But my friends and I have actually play tested some rules of our own to change models to make them…..well…..worth anything at all, to be honest there as some things that have come out that are just disappointing. But if people do want to change things to have a whole Dev army then it going to take a bit of play testing, but I would keep in mind the mass amount of fire power and heavy weapons has to be balanced some how. Otherwise its like dealing with turkeys…there won’t be many scoring units left for the opponent with that many potential Plasma cannons. This could put a serious dint in the moral to play. So while making a whole devy army could be really cool. It could be rather difficult to balance the competitiveness with the fluff.

          • Yggdrasil

            Ah ok, right ! Yeah indeed, the “alternate scoring” missions are one of the way to go…

            As you hinted at, the current path I’ve chosen is split a 10-strong Dev squad into 2 combat squads :
            - One with 1 Heavy Wpn, that are taken as a Tac squad (hence Troops) ;
            - The other with the remaining 3 weapons, that are taken as a Dev squad…

            Not really efficient, but fluffy thus far…

            And Captain Androcles, a 9th company captain described in IA10, also makes Devs as Elites (which then allows for more HS slots ;) )

            In terms of balance, would taking assault or Dev squads as Troops less balanced that Terminators, for instance ? I’m not so sure…

            In addition, I think you could have something along the lines of “A captain from the 9th (8th) company allows you to take up to 2 Devastator (Assault) squads as Troops.”
            I think it could be done.

            In the Captain entry, I also think they should get some rules to represent the role of each company : 1st could be in TDA with a Command squad in TDA, 2-5th could have a flexible rule (maybe along the lines of the UM chapter tactics?), 8th could have a JP command squad, 9th could take a heavy weapon, 10th could either get Scout Armour + Infiltrate USR OR have a special command squad (maybe like the FW HH Recon Squad) ?

            Why haven’t they thought about something like that yet ??

          • Yggdrasil

            Well, maybe they did… Just thought it too much of a hassle :)

  • Zweischneid

    A Sentinels of Terra Preview!