It always amazes me how much passion and dedication goes into this humble hobby of ours. I blog quite a bit about Black Library (and other books too in the future, I promise), because I love reading a good sci-fi tale. Hobby authors inspired to write by Black Library, Warhammer 40K and similar games or settings crowd around the TheShellCase Shorts competitions.
Now the best of their work was published in a (100% free) The Shell Case Shorts Anthology.
Yes, it’s finally that time. A year on from when I ran a short story competition for a bit of fun, I’m pleased and proud to make the Shell Case Shorts Anthology available to download. The collected winning entries from the 12 competitions, plus an honourable mention or two and a little story of my own have all been made available in handy-dandy PDF format.
A massive thank you to everyone who entered, and congratulations to all the winners.
Head over to Phil’s blog and get your free The Shell Case Shorts Anthology.
Giving it a first glance, there are (I think), 13 short stories included:
- Hive Walker by Dave Cahill
- The Bone Carver by Patrick Burdine
- Wildwood by Ian Tovey
- The Hunt by Ian Tovey
- Traitor by James Wilson
- Rage by David Bartley
- Equiniox by Phil Spurgeon
- Seventeen Minutes by Erin Freeman
- Firestorm by Lee Faccini
- War Horns by John Alexander
- Widowmakers by Mike Chomyk
- The Circus by Al Phillips
- Liberation by James Wilson
Moreover, you’ll get some excellent background for a few fan-made Warhammer 40K Space Marine chapters (and one Dystopian Legions Squadron), as well as a few writing tips from Black Library authors.
Great collection there and certainly worth a look.
I know I look forward to browsing it (once I have my taxes done!).