This is a few days late, I admit. I am just not plugged into the Privateer stuff as much as I could.
Some time ago, I noted how Privateer Press released plans to launch a few books set in the Iron Kingdoms; a serious step in the fluff-offensive for the miniature-wargaming throne.
Indeed, the first two Iron Kingdoms novel planned to be released, In Thunder Forged and Big Iron, now have snazzy covers up for viewing. Release is June this year.
#1 – Warmachine – Dogs of War: The Devil’s Pay

Skull Island’s Warmachine Novel(la)
Sam MacHorne and her Devil Dogs need a contract, and when one comes in that leads to the haunted Wythmoor Forest, the company moves out with warjacks and slug guns at the ready…
When a contract comes in from ‘the old man’ during some unemployment-imposed rest and relaxation time in Tarna, Sam, the Dogs, and her newest recruit, Dawson, set out on a perilous hunt to capture an unidentified warjack before their rival Steelheads or the horrific Cryx make a claim on the never-before-seen technology.
A novel on a mercenary company getting hired (and likely double-crossed). Sounds fun. It’s also getting rave reviews over on Amazon.
Still, I opted for the Hordes-one instead (see below).
#2 – Hordes – The Warlord Sagas: Instruments of War

Skull Island’s Hordes Novel(la)
Makeda, Supreme Archdomina of House Balaash, is known throughout the Iron Kingdoms for her leadership of the mighty Skorne Empire, but it was not always so…
Before the coming of the Skorne Empire to the west, Makeda was little more than the second child of a great house, but through her will, determination, and adherence to the hoksune code, she rose above all others.
The Warlock Sagas: Instruments of Wars costs £3.38.
Skorne is an odd choice for the first Hordes-book, as it seems (to a WarmaHordes-newb) to be the least popular faction of that game.
Still, as Hordes seems more interesting to me than Warmachine (though I could be wrong), this is the one I picked up for a test. Its 95 pages in regular font on an e-reader. Slightly shorter even than Black Library’s “novella-format“, I believe (though this may be deceptive).
#3 – Iron Kingdoms – Exiles In Arms: Moving Targets

The 3rd IK Novel
Taryn di la Rovissi and Rutger Shaw; two hard-luck mercenaries looking to make a clean break from the flagging war in occupied Llael…
With the forces of Khador massing for another surge south into Cygnar and the Thornwood Forest, Taryn and Rutger are forced to take a dangerous escape route before borders close for good. Amid the last refugees fleeing the advance, the duo is caught up in an assignment that will prove to be either their salvation or undoing.
The third Skull-Island novella is tied neither to Warmachine nor to Hordes, but to the Iron Kingdoms roleplaying game. It seems to strike closer to Warmachine though, going purely by the blurb.
Author C.L. Werner is a name I recognize, as he’s worked for Black Library before.
Unfortunately, I haven’t read anything from him from Black Library either.
Were you faster than me and picked up – and read – one of these already?
Are you interested in novels and stories set in the Iron Kingdoms?
Would you have picked the same book (Instruments of War) I picked to get started?
Looking forward to your comments!