Warhammer 40K & Wargaming Blog Mon, 02 Sep 2013 22:51:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Badgerboy1977 Badgerboy1977 Sun, 01 Sep 2013 12:54:00 +0000 Thats not actually GW’s fault though to be fair, there just isn’t an equivalent to the interactive iBooks on Android (apart from a few individual apps which isn’t the same thing) and the next best is the usual ebooks which they do now produce.

Until Google pull their finger out and give us a similar system we will be stuck with the non interactive versions without all the bells and whistles I’m afraid.

]]> By: Jeff Jeff Sat, 31 Aug 2013 22:17:00 +0000 I’m actually going to have to give up my Nexus I’m just sick of apps with half the functionality of their Ipad counterpart when you can find them at all.

]]> By: belverker belverker Sat, 31 Aug 2013 21:41:00 +0000 it is an awesome idea, and a sneaky way to get around making an army builder app, plus narrated fluff is awesome (i’m a big audiobook fan) but alas no i products here (embedded in the windows environment)

]]> By: Xander S Cosgrave Xander S Cosgrave Sat, 31 Aug 2013 18:57:00 +0000 I feel that the whole Apple love on their part is a bit annoying, I can’t get them on my Android products, so saying that the Builder is great is fine, but I am annoyed by the fact that I can’t access it.

]]> By: Kbslayer Kbslayer Sat, 31 Aug 2013 18:53:00 +0000 Actually, yeah, the built in army list builder is kinda handy. And since the digital version is cheaper, if I am not mistaken, I would be more inclined to purchase it. If, of course, I could actually bring myself to buy an Apple product.

]]> By: Leo Casanova Leo Casanova Sat, 31 Aug 2013 18:53:00 +0000 When GW discover the existence of Google and Android?
