Spiel 2013 in Essen – New Releases – Part 1

Spiel 2013 Essen

Last weekend, one of Europe’s biggest gaming convention – Essen Spiel – was held in – as the name says – Essen in Germany. Lots of interesting things going on, and several miniatures companies were present to show off their newest games and miniatures.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend. However, the guys (and girls?) from Brueckenkopf-Online did and put up some amazing articles covering the event over the last week.

They also granted me permission to use their pictures to show off some of the highlights.

So here we go, in no particular order…

#1 – Hawk Wargames

Hawk Wargames went to Essen with new releases for Dropzone Commander, including a monorail train, their new Resistance faction and a huge defense station.

Dropzone Commander MonoRail

Dropzone Commander Resistance Faction

Dropzone Commander Orbital Defense Laser

More pictures of the new Dropzone Commander releases can be found here.

#2 – Battlefront

Battlefront apparently was mainly interested in showing off their upcoming Firefly board game (as they recently acquired Gale Force 9). It makes sense perhaps, as Essen Spiel is traditionally more board games than miniature games.

Battlefront Firefly Game

Nevertheless, there were also new miniature releases, such as this massive walker for Dust…

Battlefront Dust Walker

… and Dungeons & Dragons collectors miniatures!

Dungeons & Dragons Collectors Miniatures

More pictures from Battlefront at the Spiel 2013 in Essen can be found here.

#3 – Freebooter Miniatures

Miniature sculpting legend Werner Klocke was also in Essen, with new releases for Freebooter’s Fate, including undead squid!

Freebooters Fate

Freebooters Fate

More pictures from Freebooter Miniatures in Essen can be found here.


Many thanks once again to Brueckenkopf-Online for allowing me to share their awesome pictures.

Read on in part 2 (because there is just too much good stuff for just one blog-post).

And let me know which of the new miniatures above is your favourite!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Warhammer Visions & White Dwarf Weekly Cover Preview http://t.co/tAJ7fiTjHR #40k #wargaming #wfb - 10 hours ago
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  • Abadon58

    I was a great show, spent hours walking around, Hall 3 was best with FW, Mantic, Raging Heroes etc Loads of nice new stuff from Raging Heroes.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Cool. I don’t think I’ve seen any of the new stuff from RH so far. Was it from the Kickstarter? Or their “regular” , pre-Kickstarter releases?

      • Abadon58

        It was all the new stuff. I got my KS stuff a while back, they said the templates still not done but they have the dice. They had painted figures of pre production models plus all the new recent releases and every other model. I feel stupid I didn’t take any pictures. They had the new starter sets there. I especially likes the Nordgaard Valkyrie and the Wyldfolk Megalith is very larger that I thought

      • Abadon58

        the best thing I saw there was the rust effect wash from modelmates, brush straight onto paint or bare plastic for a fantastic rust effect, when dry rub finger or damp cotton bud over highlights to allow colour underneath show through. `the good one was €9.95 but the others mud brown, brick joint filler were €4.95