Slightly off-topic today. Great fun thought! Shortly after New Year, William Shatner of Star Trek fame send a tweet to Cmdr. Chris Hadfield, currently on the ISS and running a popular Twitter-feed with pics and details about life in space. Lots of Star Trek fun ensued. Though Twitter is a fleeting, as social media goes, I preserved the best outer-space tweets for your reading pleasure!
#1 – Standard Orbit, Captain
The one that started it all. William Shatner Captain James Tiberius Kirk tweets the International Space Station (ISS) and receives an appropriately trekky answer.
@williamshatner Yes, Standard Orbit, Captain. And we’re detecting signs of life on the surface.
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) January 3, 2013
George Takei Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu picks up on it on Facebook, prompting another response from orbit…
With @georgetakei posting about our space comms, all we need is @therealnimoy to beam in and we’d have an away team!…
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) January 4, 2013
…and getting the meme rolling for good!
.@cmdr_hadfield: I’m fine with beaming down with the away team, as long as I don’t have to wear the red shirt.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 4, 2013
#2 – A Vulcan Greeting
Live Long and Prosper!
I am not Spock either, but living and working in this spaceship comes pretty close. Life mirrors art. LLAP, @therealnimoy.
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) January 5, 2013
More people flock to the conversation, both from the TV-shows…
@wilw Wesley, we’ve talked about you being on the bridge. I believe you’re needed in Engineering.
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) January 5, 2013
…and from Earth’s less evolved space programme.
@cmdr_hadfield @williamshatner Neil & I would’ve tweeted from the moon if we could have but I would prefer to tweet from Mars. Maybe by 2040
— Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) January 4, 2013
#3 – I Have no Words!!
I’m proud of being Canadian, but after yesterday’s twitter conversation am starting to question wearing this red shirt.…
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) January 4, 2013
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