It is time, once again, to call upon the crowd-wisdom of my loyal Pins of War blog-readers to solve me a Warhammer 40K rules conundrum.
Reading the latest Dark Angels codex for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition, I was (and remain) deeply impressed with the new and shiny Ravenwing options. As a consequence, I paid little attention to two Dark Angels fan-favourites, one old (Deathwing Terminators) and one news (Standard of Devastation), which together whipped up some heated rules-debates recently.
In short, does the Standard of Devastation’s effect apply to the Deathwing’s trusty storm bolters?
#1 – The Dark Angels Standard of Devastation
Let’s start with the already infamous Standard of Devastation and its effect.

Dark Angels Standard of Devastation
I really like this piece of unique battle gear. Everything that gives a bit more pizazz to the humble Space Marine boltgun, making them more than mere ablative wounds for the guy with the melta gun, is a good thing in my book.
The Standard of Devastation was quickly identified as a worthy options in a Warhammer 40K Dark Angels list. Naturally, trying to get the most out of it, some lists sought to apply it not only to regular Tac-Marine bolters, but to more exotic bolt-weapons, including the hurricane bolters found on Land Raider Crusaders or the new Ravenwing Dark Talons.
To an old-school player the term boltgun, as used in the text above, always struck me as referring to the trusty old rapid-fire bolter. Hurricane bolters was already stretching it. Or so I thought.
#2 – Of Storm Bolters and Other Boltguns
Now, the most recent 6th Edition rulebook for Warhammer 40K (p. 56 in the pocket version I have) also uses “boltguns” as a top-level category describing a whole range of different weapons that – by the 40K background – fire the same bolt-ammunition.
These include the Terminators’ standard armament of storm bolters.

Warhammer 40K 6th Edition Boltguns
It says that there “are many variations of boltguns”, including those listed above (found the typo?).
Now. Does the Standard of Devastation affect all these boltguns?
If so, it would certainly add a bit of oompf to a Deathwing squad bearing the Standard of Devastation (and, inversely, you’d want to keep your distance with a Vulcan mega-bolter-sporting Titan).
Or is the Standard of Devastation only meant for “normal” (as in, rapid-fire) boltguns after all?
You’re call!
Do Dark Angels Storm Bolters benefit from the Standard of Devastation?
- Yes - 2/4 salvo Storm Bolters hurray!! (35%, 94 Votes)
- No - Only classic rapid fire Boltguns are affected (62%, 164 Votes)
- Other - (please explain in comments) (3%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 265

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