Kingdom Death: Monster Kickstarter Goes Live

Kickstarter Kingdom Death Monster

Adam Poots’ Kickstarter campaign for Kingdom Death: Monster is up and live. True to what people have come to expect, the miniatures are unique and stunning. Already, the campaign raised its funding goal US$ 35.000,-. It took little more than an hour. If nothing else, Kingdom Death is the gold standard for graphic design. They [...]

Hadross: New Miniatures for Wrath of Kings

Wrath of Kings Gutter Friar

I still subscribe to the theory that Wrath of Kings will be the next Kickstarter-project from CoolMiniOrNot (CMON). Whether or not this is true, CMON is certainly expanding the line. Now they released a batch of new miniatures for the Wrath of Kings faction of Hadross; who have pledged their servitude to the Deep Gods [...]

Wrath of Kings: Next Kickstarter by CoolMiniOrNot is a Fantasy Wargame!

Wrath of KIngs

CoolMiniOrNot are the serial offenders of miniature Kickstarters. Their third project, Relic Knights with miniatures from Soda Pop, is just gathering a bit of steam in its challenge to the hugely popular predecessors of Zombicide and Sedition War.  Their next offering is already in the making. The 32mm fantasy game Wrath of Kings.