Reclusiam Command Squad Formation… Now With Point Costs?

Painted Chaplain 40K Dark Vengeance Box

Hmm… anybody else got that feeling that Games Workshop (Digital) is just making the rules up as they go? Early this month, Games Workshop’s newest invention of Dataslate formations have been a semi-hot topic (though, admittedly, the “Escalation debate” quickly took over, and now Tyranids seem to put that one to rest as well). Still, […]

GW’s Second Advent Calendar – Tau Fire Support Cadre

Games Workshop's Tau Fire Support Cadre Dataslate

Ok. I am sorry. I promise my blog will not mimic Games Workshop’s Digital Advent Calender for the whole month, but there is a lot of interesting things coming out of it. Yesterday, we saw a new (and powerful) Character for Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons (and the two Chaos Fantasy armies). Today, the […]