Off Topic: And They Shall Know No Android

Off Topic Post

At the risk of stirring up (again) the proverbial hornet’s nest, I felt the need to share these two recent pictures from Apple (or rather, from Chitika) on the use of the iPad vs. alternative devices. Why? Simply because it is a discussion that keeps coming up in talking about Games Workshop’s bias for Apple’s […]

The Comeback-Kickstarter – Golem Arcana Funds!

golem Arcana Kickstarter

The Kickstarter for Golem Arcana – The Digitally Enhanced Miniatures Board Game – funds for half a million US$, at more or less the last minute! The game – Golem Arcana – isn’t truly my cup of tea (from what I see), but the campaign for it shows wonderfully that it is worth fighting for […]

Golem Arcana Kickstarts – Is it Good for Half a Million?

golem Arcana Kickstarter

Back in July, first pictures and ideas were revealed for Golem Arcana, a “digitally enhanced” tabletop miniatures game from the makers Shadowrun Returns, Battletech and other things. The game is hitting the miniatures gaming niche from the video-game side of the world, though the idea of having a miniatures game interwoven with digital stats, automated […]

Space Marines iTunes Codex with Army Builder Function

New Space Marines Codex Cover

It appears that the new Space Marines Codex departs from established patterns in a few ways. For a start, the Codex (in paper) has a lot more pages, will cost 5 quid more than previous Codex books for 6th Edition 40K, and comes with a record number of 7 Limited Edition covers. On top of […]

Warhammer 40.000 Space Wolves Game Announced

Warhammer 40.000 Space Wolves Game

The license (prospects?) for a full-fledged “old school” computer game in the Warhammer 40K universe may have sunk with THQ (for now? forever?), but these app-games, browser-games and free2play takes on Warhammer 40K just keep on coming. Here’s another one: Warhammer 40.000 Space Wolves from HeroCraft, a Russian mobile games developer. #1 – Warhammer 40.000 […]

Slitherine Previews Blood Angels and Imperial Guard

Slitherine Games makes Warhammer 40K Game

In partnership with Games Workshop, Slitherine Games is developing a “Battle for Armageddon” game in the turn-based, hex-based strategy game format Slitherine Games specializes in. Now, there’s a first glimpse of what we will visually be looking forward to for this game. A collection of unit-graphics for the Blood Angels and the Imperial Guard from […]

Games Workshop’s Latest App: Talisman Prologue

Games Workshop's Talisman Prologue

Games Workshop has released Talisman Prologue, an app for tablets and smartphones based on its old Talisman board game (now produced by Fantasy Flight Games). Games Workshop has dealt out licenses to various smaller app and tablet-game developers, so it is about time that the first of these games are rolling in. Unlike Games Workshop’s […]

KR Multicase Kickstarts App With KR Products


Here is an interesting new kickstarter-campaign. I do smell the potential for controversy here. KR-Multicase, a manufacturer of backpacks and carry-cases designed specifically for miniatures wargaming, is now on Kickstarter with a pitch to develop a free app (for the iPhone initially). #1 – What App? Well, the app is supposed to do a bunch […]