CMON’s Ravage Magazine on Amazon Kindle and iTunes!

Ravage Miniature Gaming Magazine #5 Review

CoolMiniOrNot’s English translation of the French miniature painting and hobby magazine Ravage is now available electronically, both on iTunes and on Amazon’s Kindle Store (United States only). #1 – CMON’s Ravage Gaming Magazine #2 – Thoughts? Ravage is a pretty cool hobby magazine, considering that the majority of the content is sponsored by various miniatures gaming […]

GW Files DMCA Complaint to Google – Faeit212 Down!

Games Workshop Company

Games Workshop has filed a DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google about prominent Warhammer 40K Blogs that published leaked White Dwarf pictures – most notably (also known as Faeit212) and, it appears, (?). Have a read of this: #1 – Games Workshop’s DMCA to Google April 22, 2013 Sender Information: Games Workshop Limited Sent […]

The Best Tau Empire Units by FOC – A Hit List

pathfinders warhammer tau

The new Tau Codex for Warhammer 40K is a great book to delve into. There are endless combinations of different units, equipment-options and abilities. Great fun. I found it far more difficult to pick a “definitive” best-off-list for the Tau Codex than I did for the Dark Angels. That is a good thing. It means there […]

Warhammer Fantasy High Elves Up for Pre-Order

Warhammer High Elves Leaked

The time has come for the Asur to leave their homeland of Ulthuan and march to war! Pre-orders for the new Warhammer High Elves, most of which have been leaked last week, are now up. High Elves Pre-Order page from Games Workshop High Elves Pre-Order page from Wayland Games (for some tasty savings) Some Observations […]

4 Reasons Deadzone Will Break Kickstarter Records

Warpath Deadzone

There have been plenty of teasers from Mantic Games, including (but not limited) to their only half-joking April Fools Day post and, more recently, the Salute 2013 previews. Today, Mantic Games official launched their Kickstarter-campaign for Warpath Deadzone. It’s the fourth Kickstarter from Mantic Games, following last year’s Kings of War and DreadBall, as well as […]

MiniWarGaming Prepares a new Indiegogo Campaign

Warhammer MiniWargaming is a very interesting company to follow right now. Not just because they produce great, fun videos, but because they embody the shifts in the industry like nobody else. #1 – – A Recap Miniwargaming started as a YouTube channel for Warhammer 40K videos, battle-reports, tutorials, etc.., along with a Canada-based online store […]

5 Warhammer 40K Special Characters that are still Lost

Chaos Space Marines Doomrider

Warhammer 40K 6th Edition has revived several fan-favourite Special Characters. Interrogator-Chaplain Asmodai for the Dark Angels. Choppy Ethereal Aun’Shi for the Tau Empire. Possibly some for Chaos Daemons? Still, there are a few ex-Warhammer 40K Special Characters still M.I.A. Some silly, some with great potential (in my opinion). Here’s my list of classic 40K Characters […]

Which Tau Special Character is Worth Taking?

Shadowsun Book Review Black Library

Warhammer 40K Tau Special Characters! Tau was the first 6th Edition Codex which received new special characters. After lamenting the lack thereof in the Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels Codex, I am excited to see some fresh blood added to the roster again. Time to take a closer look! #1 – Commander Farsight Hero […]

Warhammer High Elves Teaser Video Up

Warhammer High Elves Leaked

The obligatory YouTube teaser for Games Workshop’s next release – High Elves for Warhammer Fantasy – has arrived. I approve of the use of actual miniatures for these teasers, not only shaky-cam shots of concept art, even if these aren’t the High Elves miniatures yet. #1 – YouTube Teaser for High Elves #2 – Release […]

Wargaming and the 3D Printer Revolution

Tabletop Workshop

This is a guest post by Chris Ford of Tabletop Workshop. 3D printing is a wonderful technology, and as a plastics engineer in the toolmaking industry. I sometimes wonder how we managed without it all these years. A Brief Introduction to 3D Printing 3D printing has, for us, greatly altered the way we go about […]