Pins of War is on Holidays

DreadBall Veer-Myn Strikers

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you’ve all had some great days (and lots of wargaming-loot below the tree). I’ve been packing my things and getting ready for a nice week of winter-holiday. To truly unwind (and due to technical constraints), Pins of War as a whole is going on a week-long holiday. I’ll be checking […]

Change – Building A Smaller, More Personal Blog

change to pins of war

If you are a (more or less) regular visitor to my blog, and you’ve been here over in the last week, you may have noticed that I have been a bit … restrained … in blogging about the latest rumours and upcoming releases. The interwebs have been hot on Warhammer Dark Elves, Sentinels of Terra, […]

MiniWarGaming Responds to Beasts of War

Warhammer MiniWargaming

There’s a pretty cool video out by Matthew from with his take on the Beasts of War-issue (and the broader context). I admit I may be late to the “news”. I still haven’t figured out how I’d be able to follow “news” on YouTube in an economical fashion. There doesn’t seem to be RSS […]

Some Warhammer Bashing from the

telegraph-logo tn

Dr Timothy Stanley is a British scholar of United States politics. He is also a blogger for The Telegraph and he really doesn’t like the Warhammer hobby much (at least, not anymore). #1 – Should David Cameron Ban Warhammer? There’s the odd quirky article about Warhammer every few months or so in the “main stream” news. […]

Where to Find Eldar Pics and What Online Service to Use?

Games Workshop Google

It has been an interesting few weeks. Less than a month ago, the extremely popular Warhammer 40K rumour blog Faeit212 was taken down by Google (he since returned to this temporary site). It is widely suspected – including by me – that Faeit212 was taken down in response to a DMCA complaint GW sent to Google, […]

Space Marines and Bioware – Rumours To Believe In?

Space Marines by Bioware

Here is an interesting conundrum for you to ponder. According to recent rumours posted by the little-known blog Bit by Bit Gaming, Bioware picked up the Space Marines IP left vacant by THQ’s meltdown some time ago. Hurray! But hold on.. where’s the rumour coming from? Who is Bit by Bit Gaming? How credible is […]

Do Big Kickstarters Hurt Small Kickstarter?

Big Corporate Kickstarters

I’ll start this post with an off-topic introduction. There is currently a highly successful Kickstarter live to fund a new Indie-movie by Zach Braff of Garden State fame. The Kickstarter smashed through its 2 Million Dollar goal in less than 3 days. Zach Braff has a huge fan-following, served an incredibly well-made Kickstarter video and is […]

Off-Topic: Need a new Blog? Check Ghost on Kickstarter!

Off Topic Post

The past few days have shown that Google – – is a treacherous place to blog. I still believe that a self-hosted solution is only way to approach any half-way serious blog. That said, a self-hosted blog can be more challenging (just a little) than some of the free solutions out there. That said, […]

Pictures Of The New Chaos Daemons

Warhammer 40K Daemon

It is time. The first White Dwarf has arrived and the pictures have spilled. If I get this correctly, the credit this time goes to PlasticKraK Blog (please correct me if I am wrong). #1 – A Leak is a Leak is a Leak is a Leak? I have to admit, I am as late to […]

In Before the Rest: Happy Holidays Everyone!

Warhammer 40K Santa

You probably hoped you wont see Christmas-styled miniatures for another week or so. You were wrong. I am going to post this one early: Happy Holidays everyone. Of course, there’s a reason for me to write this today. I wanted to let you know I’ll be on the road as of tomorrow (i.e. Monday, as […]