Bloodspire and Deathwolf – An Audio Drama Review

Bloodspire and Deathwolf

Bloodspire and Deathwolf are two Space Marines Battles audio dramas by C. Z. Dunn and Andy Smillie respectively. Bloodspire features the Blood Angels. Deathwolf the Space Wolves. Both describe fights for (different) hive cities. Bloodspire felt a bit abstract, lacking a narrative core. Deathwolf, in contrast, was highly enjoyable. Most of all, the entire thing [...]

Book Review: Dark Vengeance the Novel

Dark Vengeance Novel by Black Library

I got my hands on the Dark Vengeance novel, the £12.00 story by C. Z. Dunn GW released along with the 40K starter box of the same name. Above all, I wanted to see GW ‘s spin on the Crimson Slaughter, the newly introduced Chaos Marine Renegades. As most 40K-fiction on Chaos Marines centers on the [...]