Coup: The Resistance – A Review

Coup the Resistance

Coup is a bluffing card-game for 2 to 6 players. The game itself exists in several versions, including one themed around Renaissance Italy, though my version from Indie Boards and Cards is designed to match the dystopian setting of their The Resistance game. I’ve owned Coup for a while, and it’s a great little 5 to 10 minute […]

New Warhammer 40K Living Card Game from Fantasy Flight?


The picture you see above is making the round on the internet (or 4Chan) today. Could be a fake, though more likely FFG is brewing up another 40K Card Game. I never got to try Fantasy Flight’s Space Hulk Card Game. No idea if the 40K Theme would make a decent LCG. To be fair, […]

Interview: Robert Burke on Draco Magi

Draco Magi Kickstarter

Browsing Kickstarter, I came across a wonderful gem of a card game: Draco Magi. The appeal – obviously – where the fantastic dragons that give the game its name. I had a look at the game-play video, which looked equally exciting. Long story short, I wanted to know more. So I sent the Robert Burke, […]

SOS Titanic Card Game – Review

SOS Titanic Card Game Unboxed

A short review from the non-miniature side of gaming! SOS Titanic is a game that ended up in my house on Christmas. It’s a more-or-less patience (or solitaire in the US) based card game with a few twists and – obviously – a Titanic-theme to it. The game was the product of a (tiny, by wargaming-standards) Kickstarter last […]