Chaos Space Marines Fluff Controversy: Dark Apostles Break Free From The Word Bearers

Dark Apostle Art for Word Bearer Space Marines

The new Chaos Space Marines Codex does not only bring new Daemon Engines such as the Forgefiend or Maulerfiend. There are new character options too. One stirring up background (‘fluff’) controversy is the Dark Apostle. He has its roots with the Word Bearer Legion. Their fans would like to keep the Dark Apostle to themselves. But the concept [...]

Warhammer 40K: Chaos Cultist Rumours

Chaos Cultists

The ever-inquisitive guys over at Faeit 212 have unearthed some titbits on Chaos Cultists from the (presumably) upcoming new Chaos Codex. The Cultists, it appears, will be slightly different to their current incarnation in the Dark Vengeance Starter Box. Oh, and there is also a splendidly old-school picture to go with the Cultists!

Warhammer 40K: 6th Edition Starter Missions

Dark Angels Chaplain

There are mere hours left until Games Workshop’s starter-set for Warhammer 40K, Dark Vengeance, will be available for pre-order. If you haven’t had a chance to get an early look at some of the fantastic new Dark Angels and Chaos Space Marine miniatures that will be included, check them out here. And like a last-minute [...]

Warhammer 40K: Even More Pictures From The 6th Edition 40K Starter Box

40K New Deathwing Terminator

Just earlier today I wrote a short post about six little, blurry pictures showing Miniatures from the upcoming Dark Vengeance Starter Box that had leaked to the Interwebs. Now the damn seems to have broken. New images are flooding in like crazy. Have a look at some of these amazing new miniatures: Deathwing, Ravenwing, Cultists [...]

Warhammer 40K: First Pictures from the New 6th Edition Starter Box

Chaos Space Marine 40K

It appears that the first early pictures from the upcoming starter box Dark Vengeance for the 6th Edition of Warhammer 40K have just leaked online via the Warseer Forums. They are a bit blurry, and small to boot, but very worthwhile to check out for some impression of the upcoming Chaos and Dark Angels Space [...]