Off-Topic: Marvel Comics Re-Invents Ms. Marvel

Off Topic Post

Marvel Comics has been all over the sliver-screens for a while now. Iron Man, Avengers, etc…, currently Thor 2. While Marvel kills it at the box office, comic book sales are (apparently) in decline though, and they appear to be looking for some solution somewhere. At the very least, Marvel got a lot of public […]

Interview with Matthew Sprange on Rogue Trooper

Mongoose Publishing Rogue Trooper Miniature Game Kickstarter

The recent launch of Mongoose Publishing’s Rogue Trooper miniatures game Kickstarer hit all the right buttons for me. I went back and re-read the Rogue Trooper comics I (vaguely) remembered from years ago (and they are still as awesome today!). For the game itself, I was lucky enough to get Matthew Sprange – the man behind Mongoose […]