Competitive Warhammer 40K Does Not Exist

Competitive Warhammer 40K Does Not Exist

Competitive Warhammer 40K is a myth. It doesn’t exist. Never has. Who wins or loses a game of Warhammer 40K is not primarily determined by any intrinsic quality of the players, such as “skill” or “talent”. As a result, you cannot truly “compete” with another player using Warhammer 40K. Instead, Warhammer 40K is a very [...]

Russian Alternative Zombie Painting Contest!

The Russian Alternative Zombie Painting Contest

2012 was a good year for zombies. Or at least for zombie (and other undead) miniatures. Have you painted yours? No? If you do, you might win hard cash. The Russian Alternative is holding a zombie painting contest with a chance to win cash prizes of up to € 400,- for the best painted zombie [...]