Wrath of Kings: Next Kickstarter by CoolMiniOrNot is a Fantasy Wargame!

Wrath of KIngs

CoolMiniOrNot are the serial offenders of miniature Kickstarters. Their third project, Relic Knights with miniatures from Soda Pop, is just gathering a bit of steam in its challenge to the hugely popular predecessors of Zombicide and Sedition War.  Their next offering is already in the making. The 32mm fantasy game Wrath of Kings.

The Taxman Cometh: Importing your Kickstarters from the US into the UK

Import Tax

It is plain that pledging to a Kickstarter to fund a new line of miniatures or a new table-top game is rapidly becoming a very popular way for people to add to their miniature and games collection. But beware. If the campaign you pledge on is in the US (as many of them are, and [...]

Five Current Crowd-Funded Miniature and Wargaming Projects You Could Back Today

Miniature Crowd-Funding

Crowd-funding through Kickstarter or Indiegogo (though other sites exist too) has fired up many dreamers and entrepreneurs from all walks of the miniature hobby. I wrote a post yesterday about Last Days of The Angels, an Indiegogo campaign that hit a lot of the right buttons for me. But this is obviously not all there is [...]