A short while ago, a mysterious video appeared on the internet, promising a bold mix of miniature gaming, video gaming and roleplaying in a game called Prodigy. Since then, things moved forward at a rapid pace. Previews are everywhere, and the Prodigy Kickstarter-campaign is set to launch next Wednesday, April 2nd. Have a look at […]
Facebook Buys Oculus Rift – Or Why Kickstarter Isn’t Investing
Dwarven Forge is Back – Kickstarter Madness
Here I am, blogging about miniature gaming and related Kickstarter for .. I don’t know … two years maybe? And still I am surprised at what goes and what doesn’t go on Kickstarter.com. #1 – The Kickstarter-Magic of Dwarven Forge One of the things that obviously kickstarted like hotcakes last year was the deceptively simple […]
Colourful Alien Shocktroopers on Indiegogo
Heads up for a fun little Indiegogo crowd-funder for Alien Shocktroopers by sculptor Pierre-François Jacquet. The miniatures certainly are a wild and colourful mix. Have a look! #1 – Tabili Federal Shocktrooper Tabilii shocktroopers are all criminals on their homeworld. Not only they find redemption in the corps (at least in the eyes of the Federation) […]
Beware: Indiegogo Scam Based On Popular Kickstarter Campaigns
Do crowd-funding sites screen their applications? Indiegogo, by most accounts, has been the go-to site for those who stay away from Kickstarter.com. The second in the industry (which includes hundreds of similar sites by now). Nevertheless, it appears Indiegogo let a rather obvious scammer through their net. There is a campaign fishing for dollars from […]
Kickstarter Hacked
If you have an account on Kickstarter.com (and if you’re into games, chances are you have), you will likely have received the same email I did: Kickstarter.com has apparently been hacked and a bit of information might’ve gotten out. Kudos to the Kickstarter-team for being upfront about it, at least. #1 – Kickstarter Email The […]
DreadBall Xtreme Kickstarter Launching February 21st
The DreadBall Xtreme Kickstarter is now live! Mantic Games are gearing up for their 2nd DreadBall Kickstarter, DreadBall Xtreme. Allegedly, it will launch on February 21st and, if enough funds are raised, push DreadBall through Seasons 4 to 6 and a total of 12 new teams (4 per season). Moreoever, Mantic Games have launched a […]
Interview: Robert Burke on Draco Magi
Browsing Kickstarter, I came across a wonderful gem of a card game: Draco Magi. The appeal – obviously – where the fantastic dragons that give the game its name. I had a look at the game-play video, which looked equally exciting. Long story short, I wanted to know more. So I sent the Robert Burke, […]
Hero Forge Kickstarts Custom 3D Printed Miniatures
3D Printing is rapidly becoming a far more readily available and affordable technology. For a while now, speculations and forecasts have been going around on how 3D Printing with change the tabletop wargaming world. The implications seem obvious, but so far, nobody has truly cracked the secret of making 3D-printed tabletop miniatures fly for a […]
Dustcloud – Real-Life Blue Tooth Smartguns on Kickstarter
People say there’s rarely every anything truly new in gaming on Kickstarter these days. Well… occasionally there are still new ideas. Dustcloud is clearly one of them. It’s not a miniatures game, but a game to play cops & robbers assassins in the great, wild “real-life” outdoors…. with smart-guns and blue-tooth connection. Have a look! […]
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