Carnevale on Kickstarter – Interview & Artwork Preview

Carnevale Kickstarter Interview

Carnevale is a miniature game set in Venice at the eve of the 18th Century, albeit a Venice beset by cthulhu-esque horrors and other supernatural monstrosities. The game is made by Vesper-On Games, a Barcelona-based miniatures company. Carnevale made a huge splash in the 18-or-so months since its release, both for the absolutely gorgeous miniatures […]

Miniature Pins of the Week! | Miniature Pinboard | Miniature & Wargaming

It’s been a pleasantly hectic week over on the sister-site to this blog – Busy enough, that I thought I’d do a quick round-up of some of the interesting stuff that has been pinned over the last week (or two). Here’s a (somewhat random) selection! #1 – Dark Sword Miniatures’ Thief of Hearts Up […]

Achtung! Cthulhu Miniatures by Modiphius on Kickstarter!

Achtung Cthulhu!

Heads up for Achtung! Cthulhu, which is now on Kickstarter with lots of pen-and-paper RPG goodness and (!) some amazing miniatures. I am convinced 2013 is going to be remembered as the year of “Kickstarter-miniature-madness”. There are so many awesome games and miniatures (along with a few bad apples) out there. So much creativity unleashed […]

4 Indiegogo Campaigns You Could Back Today

Indigogo Miniature Crowd-Funding

Indiegogo is an alternative crowd-funding site to Kickstarter. Though Kickstarter is limited to the US (though coming to the UK soon) and more restrictive what they allow on their site, it gets a lot more press and traffic. Last month’s 4 Miniature Kickstarters You Could Back Today was biased because I couldn’t find cool Indiegogo projects. Things changed. […]

How Cthulhu Broke Kickstarter (well, almost)

Reaper Bones Cthulhu

The Reaper Bones Kickstarter is official over. In its closing hours it pushed the hype surrounding this record-breaking fundraiser to unprecedented heights. Writers and editors in places like MTV or took notice (though Matt Forbeck at Wired is personally involved). In the end, “Bones” closed with a record finish of US$ 3.429.236,-