Warhammer 40K 7th Edition – Everything Is Scoring!

Everything is Scoring

More details about Warhammer 40K 7th Edition are appearing. This time through the Facebook page of the Overlords Podcast from London. This one is interesting, as it sheds a bit of light on how “unbound armies” in Warhammer 40K 7th Edition will be able to work (especially if they have no troops). In a nutshell, […]

Unbound – Building Armies in Warhammer 40K 7th Edition


With Warhammer 40K 7th Edition close at hand, information appears about how the game will handle armies. Unlike the recent (IMO obvious) nonsense about percentage systems, which has been peddled recently, the most recent rumours appear to be more in line with the formations and data-slates added to the game in recent months. According to […]

A New Warhammer 40K Allies-Matrix

Warhammer 40K Allies

The 40K fans at Dakkadakka have been busy, and DJGietzen in particular, drafting a new, updated (and improved!) allies matrix for the game of Warhammer 40K at this point in time. Grey – Battle Brothers Yellow  - Allies of Convenience Blue – Desperate Allies (anybody else think this colour-codes make no sense?) Red – Come […]

Forge World Previews from Games Day US 2013

games day figure 2013

The first 2013 Games Workshop Games Day, in Memphis in the US, should have concluded some time ago. I haven’t seen much in the way of coverage from people who went to the event. No Golden Demon entries yet, for example. As most people will know by know, the times when Games Workshop (the Studio) […]

Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen Rumours

New Lizardman Rumours

I am neither an expert on Games Workshop release rumours, nor on Warhammer Fantasy. Nevertheless, these whispers on Dakkadakka on an allegedly upcoming new release of Lizardmen for Warhammer Fantasy struck me as unusually precise, as rumours go. This may well be what we’ll see in the next White Dwarf in August 2013. Or it […]

The Bolter and Chainsword Forums Need Your Help!

The Bolter and Chainsword

It’s not easy running a hobby site, blog or forum. Now, one of the most established discussion forums for Warhammer 40K and similar games has come down in an unfortunate mix of personal and technical problem: www.bolterandchainsword.com. The Bolter & Chainsword is currently Offline Out of luck and options, they’re asking for your help! Here’s […]

Warhammer 40K: Sisters of Battle Are Not Forgotten!

Adepta Sororitas

A lot of people these days seem to take it as a bad sign that the Sisters of Battle are currently relegated to an army list published only in an out-of-print White Dwarf, with little to no up-to-date (read: plastic) miniatures to make the army reasonably collectible. True, Blood Angels once suffered the same fate […]

Sculptor Juan Diaz Leaves GW for Zenit Miniatures

Lelith Hesperax by Juan Dies

 One of Games Workshop’s best known and most senior miniature sculptors – Juan Diaz – has left the company after 16 years to return to his home in Spain. Apparently Juan Diaz will now work for Zenit Miniatures and, possibly, do some freelance work under the name of Tiny Tales Studio (I assume Kickstarter-hopeful miniature […]

Mantic Jamplified Deadzone – How Much Was It Worth?

Mantic Games Jamplified

A lot of people like to give Games Workshop a hard time for what they perceive to be an old-fashioned or, at worst, even clumsy approach to handing their online and social media presence. Games Workshop’s decision to shut down their main Facebook-page is often cited as proof. Whatever your view of GW’s online marketing […]

Rumoured U.S. Prices for Warhammer 40K Eldar

Warhammer 40K Eldar Rumours

Whispers have been about concerning the prices for the Eldar. It appears increasingly certain that the new Wraithknight will indeed be significantly larger than, say, the Tau Riptide. And significantly more expensive, priced at about the level of the current Games Workshop Baneblade tank. Now, thanks to Mohoc of Dakkadakka, a first price list (in […]