4 Demon-Winning Daemons

Warhammer Golden Demon

Earlier this week I plucked a Golden Demon-winning Masque of Slaanesh of this unofficial Golden Daemon website to illustrate my post on the Masque. Couldn’t help but wander a bit more around the history of Golden Demon competitions to see what the best painters did with this rather unusual set of miniatures (by and large, [...]

Chaos Space Marines Fluff Controversy: Dark Apostles Break Free From The Word Bearers

Dark Apostle Art for Word Bearer Space Marines

The new Chaos Space Marines Codex does not only bring new Daemon Engines such as the Forgefiend or Maulerfiend. There are new character options too. One stirring up background (‘fluff’) controversy is the Dark Apostle. He has its roots with the Word Bearer Legion. Their fans would like to keep the Dark Apostle to themselves. But the concept [...]