Which Tau Special Character is Worth Taking?

Shadowsun Book Review Black Library

Warhammer 40K Tau Special Characters! Tau was the first 6th Edition Codex which received new special characters. After lamenting the lack thereof in the Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels Codex, I am excited to see some fresh blood added to the roster again. Time to take a closer look! #1 – Commander Farsight Hero […]

3 Changes I Like In The New Tau Empire Codex

Tau Codex Cover

Finally, I had the time to page through the new Tau Empires Codex a bit. Slow delivery and all means I’ll probably have to wait until next week-end to give the Codex a quality reading. Still, in my initial page-flipping, there are a few things that struck me as nice changes or additions for the […]