The Great and Terrible Dark Angels…

Dark Angels Warhammer 40K

It is time! The White Dwarf pictures have circulated on the internet. Now it is official. The Dark Angels are here. Check out the latest release for Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K: the Dark Angels  in all their dark and gothic splendour. Deathwing, Ravenwing, new sculpts for Asmodai and Belial, and the new Dark Angels Codex, including as (slightly [...]

Warhammer 40K: Even More Pictures From The 6th Edition 40K Starter Box

40K New Deathwing Terminator

Just earlier today I wrote a short post about six little, blurry pictures showing Miniatures from the upcoming Dark Vengeance Starter Box that had leaked to the Interwebs. Now the damn seems to have broken. New images are flooding in like crazy. Have a look at some of these amazing new miniatures: Deathwing, Ravenwing, Cultists [...]