Games Workshop’s New Warhammer 40K Releases

Stronghold Assault

Today sees the massive launch of new Games Workshop … Hobbit Products!!! Really. It’s true. That said, talk of the town is still the grab-bag of products Games Workshop is putting out for Warhammer 40K (and the priorities are pretty clear from the Baneblade featured on the December 2013 White Dwarf cover). Here’s a little […]

Hobbit Releases – Dwarves in Barrels, No Smaug

barrels out of band

December is here, and with it (soon) the new Hobbit movie. Time to have a look at GWs strangely neglected “3rd Game”, the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game. Aside from the Space Marines Ultimate Codex, Sigmar’s Blood, Escalation and a few other things, the Hobbit is (among) the time of the month. There’s some nice Elves […]